日期:2014-04-09 16:36


  考研英语是一门需要长时间积累的学科,对于备战2015考研的学子们来说,从现阶段到6月份为夯实基础阶段,在此阶段,同学们应该主攻单词和语法,坚持每天1-2篇的英语阅读以此来培养语感。 一起来学习吧!

  IN HIS big annual speech to Congress, Barack Obama made several promises: he pledged to raise the minimum wage for those contracted to the federal government, to create a new tax-free savings bond to encourage Americans to save, to work for the closure of the Guantánamo Bay prison, to push immigration reforms and to veto any sanctions that Congress might pass designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme.

pledge 承诺
  veto 否决 ( 注意和vote:投票)
  sanction 制裁,命令,决定
  derail 破坏,出轨

  主干识别:Barack Obama made several promises
  其他成分:IN HIS big annual speech to Congress 状语
  he pledged to raise the minimum wage for those contracted to the federal government, to create a new tax-free savings bond to encourage Americans to save, to work for the closure of the Guantánamo Bay prison, to push immigration reforms and to veto any sanctions that Congress might pass designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme.
  从句中的主干: Sb pledged to do
  其中四个不定式并列:to raise...,to creat...,to work for...,to push...,to veto...

  难点解析:其中sanctions被that Congress might pass 和designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme所修饰;其中over its programme又在修饰deal;over这个介词可以翻译为:关于也可以翻译为解决;
  to veto any sanctions that Congress might pass designed to derail his deal with Iran over its nuclear programme.
  直接翻译出来就是:他会反对,议会有可能通过的, 设计来阻碍他与伊朗达成的关于伊朗核问题的决议的决议。


  参考译文:在年度的国会演说中,巴拉克`奥巴马(Barack Obama)作出数个承诺,包括提高联邦政府员工的最低工资,发行一种新的免税储蓄债券,鼓励美国人多储蓄,关闭关塔那摩湾(Guantánamo Bay)监狱,推进移民政策改革,以及制止任何国会可能会通过的阻碍与伊朗核问题解决方案的命令。

  • pledgen. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品 vt. 保证,发誓,以
  • bondn. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂 vt. 使结合,为 .
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • sanctionn. 批准,处罚,约束力 vt. 批准,支持