Part 1:天空与星星
日期:2022-01-16 16:59


1: Do you like to watch the sky?

Useful expressions:

at sunrise and sunset 在日出和日落时

look up in the sky 仰望天空

be amazed by its unparalleled beauty 惊叹于它无与伦比的美丽

feel relieved 感觉宽慰

feel grateful for what I’ve already had 感恩拥有的一切


Yes, I do enjoy watching the sky especially at sunrise and sunset. Every time I look up in the sky, I’m always amazed by its unparalleled beauty and aware of how small I am. That will make me feel relieved and grateful for what I’ve already had.

2: What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

Useful expressions:

barely see stars and moon at night 在夜晚基本看不到星星和月亮

the weather is cloudy and rainy for most time of the year


shining stars 闪耀的星星

the Milky way 银河


Where I come from is a small city located in Southern China where the weather is cloudy and rainy for most time of the year, which means we barely see stars and moon at night. But if it is a hot summer night and we are lucky enough, we still get to see some shining stars and even the Milky way.

3: Do you like to watch stars?

Useful expressions:

I’m a huge fan of astronomy 我是超级天文迷

have passion about everything related to the universe


can’t stop thinking 止不住地思考

aliens 外星人

other forms of life 其他形式的生命


Yes, absolutely. I’m a huge fan of astronomy and have passion about everything related to the universe. Every time I watch stars, I just can’t stop thinking how long it takes for light to travel from that star to the earth, and whether there were aliens or other forms of life. So I have to say watching stars could be such an exciting and special experience for me.
