Part 1:广告对你的影响
日期:2022-01-25 16:59


1: What kind of advertisements do you watch?

Useful expressions:

commercials 广告

pop-up ads 弹窗广告

skip ads 跳过广告

remove ads 移除广告

pay monthly /yearly subscription 支付月度/年度订阅费


To be honest, I watch all kinds of commercials everyday both online and offline as it’s not my choice to decide what type of advertisements I get to watch. Whenever I watch videos and TV shows, there are always some pop-up ads that are pretty annoying. Unless I pay monthly or yearly subscription, I’ll just have to tolerate them.

2: Where can you see advertisements?

Useful expressions:

consumerism 消费主义

We are bombarded with advertisements 我们被广告狂轰滥炸

push ads 广告推送

posters 海报

video platform 视频平台


Well, living in the world affected by consumerism, we are bombarded with advertisements every day. When I wake up in the morning, push ads are already on my cellphone. When I walk on the street, posters about various products are everywhere. Even when I log in some video platforms like Aiqiyi or Youku, I still need to tolerate 30 seconds of ads before I get to watch what I like.

3: Have you ever bought something because of its advertisements?

Useful expressions:

social media influencer 网红

KOL 关键意见领袖

follower 粉丝

brands advertise their products 品牌方宣传它们的产品

do promotion 做宣传


Yes, to be honest, I’ve shopped a lot of things because of ads. In the digital age, the way brands advertise their products is quite different from the past. They tend to work with some KOLs or social media influencers to do promotion by inviting them to try new products and then share their experience with the followers. I’m always influenced by those web celebrities and likely to shop things promoted in their videos or posts.
