日期:2016-11-23 11:00


Tent -- thesis Starting over The theft of Louise's thesis almost terminated her career.

从头再来露易斯的论文失窃 几乎结束了她的事业.

That was where she had developed a new theoretical terminology For defining the territory of terrestrial predators.

这篇论文中, 她提出了 一个新的理论术语.为定义陆地食肉动物 的范围

That was where her theme of terrain- influenced behavior was written down. And that was where she had deciphered

也正是在这篇论文中, 她阐述了受地区影响 的行为这一主题.而且在这篇论文中 她还解释了

All of the data and testimonies of witnesses that backed up her research. Her husband had suggested she just write it again.

那些支持她的研究的 目击者们的所有 资料与证据.丈夫建议她重写一遍.

But she knew that no matter how hard she might try, She would never recover the full texture of what she had already written.

但她知道, 无论多么努力, 也永远无法将原来写下 的本质性东西完全复原

She couldn't even remember some of the key terms she had coined. Return to the environment where you wrote it!

她甚至想不起她创造的 一些重要术语.回到你原来的 写作环境中去!

That was the suggestion that came out of therapy. You will thereby recover all the original thoughts that you think are lost!

功能恢复疗法给了 她这样的建议, 这样你就会回想起所 有你认为已经忘记了 的原来的想法!

Well they weren't coming hack, thought Louise, Terrified that her return to the jungle would be unsuccessful.

那些想法不会回来啦, 露易斯想, 她很害怕回到丛林将会 是一次失败.

She looked over the terrace down onto the field and tertiary river Where she had spent three years of her life

她从上面的排屋一直 看到下面的田野 和三级河流, 在那里她曾度过 三年的时光,

And then turned to walk hack to her tent. She had forgotten how cold it was down here.

然后转身走回帐篷.她记不清这儿有 多冷了,

She wished she had a thermostat to turn the temperature up in this place and thaw out. But she was here to stay.

真希望有台恒温器来 升升温, 暖和暖和.但她要留下来.

And if her former thoughts did not return, Well then she would have to find another original topic and start all over.

如果想不起原来的想法她就得找另一个新的题 目, 从头再来.

At least her husband and children were with her this time. That would make life in the outback more bearable.

至少这次老公和孩子们 和她在一起, 这样会使内地的生活好 熬一些.

  • therapyn. 疗法,治疗
  • themen. 题目,主题
  • terracen. 平台,阳台,梯田 vt. 使成梯田,给 ... 建
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • therebyadv. 因此,从而
  • theoreticaladj. 理论上的
  • unsuccessfuladj. 失败的;不成功的
  • terrestrialn. 地球上的人 adj. 地球的,地上的
  • tentn. 帐篷 v. 住帐篷,宿营