patently - perception A patterning pathology
Mark had a patently strange pathology; he was obsessed with patterning.
马克有个显然古怪 的病状:他对图形 十分着迷。
This meant that he was always looking at the ground when he walked,
这意味着马克走路时 总是看着地面,
watching the patterns that were paved there.
他要观察铺在地面上 的图案。
It also meant that he counted obsessively when he walked,
这还意味着他会一边 走路一边发狂地数数,
could never break himself away from a pendulum,
and constantly pausing on the street while comparing pedestrians,
经常在街上停下 脚步比较行人,
especially during peak hours.
People would have perceived him as a freak
他早就被人们 视为怪物了。
if he had not had several strong patrons
如果没有几位有权势 的庇护人
concerned about helping him in his condition.
They made sure that Mark was not penalized by society!
他们想办法不让马克在 社会上受到不公平对待
When they found him, he was a dejected young man,
他们找到他时, 他是个沮丧的年轻人,
prone to depression and without friends or a purpose in life.
容易消沉,没有朋友, 也没有生活目标。
They knew that there must be some positive aspect to his pathology
他们知道他的病状肯定 有积极的一面,
and quickly discovered that Mark was an excellent math pedant!
他们很快发现马克搞起 数学来竟是个 出色的书呆子!
They even helped him to become a university professor with a wonderful pension.
他们甚至帮助他成为 一名大学教授,享受着 丰厚的津贴。
While teaching he could penetrate deep into the concepts and patterns of math.
上课时,他能深入洞察 各种数学概念和图形。
The perception of his peculiar pathology by his peers at university
在大学里,同事们 将他的古怪病状
was that it was a gift.
They wished they had a problem with patterning.
他们希望他们有 图形方面的问题。
Mark's success at university had a very perceptible change on his life.
马克在大学里的成功 使他的生活发生了 可察觉的变化。
He no longer felt like he was a penalty to society,
他不再感觉自己对社会 是个障碍,
but he was making a contribution.
He became a happy purposeful man.
他成了一个快乐 而又有抱负的人。
And his accounts payable disappeared as he became rich and famous.
随着他变得富有、出名 那些应付账款统统不见 了。
Last year he even won the Nobel Prize for mathematics!
去年他甚至还获得了 诺贝尔数学奖!