日期:2016-10-28 05:09


Remind reproduce The Black Fox


He was the last remnant of a unique breed of thieves.

他是一种独特的小偷中 最后的残余.

And as the Black Fox climbed down the side of a skyscraper

黑狐从摩天大楼的 一侧爬下来,

With his pockets filled with the renowned jewels he had just stolen,

口袋里装满了刚 刚偷来的有名的珠宝,

He knew that he would have to find a replacement.

此时他意识到自己得 换个行当啦.

He was getting too old for this.

他的岁数越来越大,不 适合干偷盗这一行了.

He had tried to renounce his profession several times,

他已经试过好几次 放弃这种职业,

Only to be remunerated even more for additional thefts.


It was simple, no one had his repertoire of expertise no one could reproduce his finesse,

道理很简单,没人有他 那样的高超本领,没人 能模仿他的优雅风度,

And no one could remove valuables as stealthily as he could.

也没人能像他那样 悄无声息地将值钱 东西拿走.

Stopping ten floors above the ground,


The Black Fox took out his remote


And signaled his backup to come to the rendezvous point.

给他的后援发信号, 让他来到约会地点.

When he saw the stolen rental car pull up, he continued down.

看到偷来的租用汽车 停了下来, 他继续往下走.

Getting into the car he replenished his thirst with a beer

进到车里,他补充了一 罐啤酒解渴,

And passed the jewels to his backup.

然后把偷来的珠宝 交给了后援.

The jewels would be delivered by yet another of his representatives,

珠宝将由他的另外 一个代表送走,

Rendered authentic by the buyer

由买方使之变得 手续完备,

And then his fee would be remitted to a bank account in the Bahamas.

最后他的钱将被汇入 他在巴哈马群岛 的银行账户.

The Black Fox reminded the backup of his renewed desire to retire

黑狐提醒后援他 重新想好了金盆洗手,

And stressed that he was tired of the repetitious work.

并且强调他对这种 重复性的工作 已感到厌倦.

The backup nodded silently, all the while thinking that

后援默默地点着头, 同时却在想

No other job in the world could replace the adrenaline rush of a successful theft!

世界上没有别的工作 能代替偷窃成功 带来的快感!

He would represent the Black Foxes request to his bosses,

他将向老板表达 黑狐的请求,

But he knew that there would just be another repeal.

但他知道到时还是 会被撤销的.

The Black Fox would steal until the day he died!

黑狐将偷到他死的 那一天.

  • skyscrapern. 摩天大楼
  • authenticadj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的
  • renouncev. 弃绝,放弃,否认
  • requestn. 要求,请求 vt. 请求,要求
  • finessen. 精密技巧,灵巧,策略,偷牌 v. 用计谋处理,耍诡
  • reproducev. 再生,复制,生殖
  • repealn. 废止,撤消 v. 废止,撤消
  • repertoiren. (准备好演出的)节目,保留剧目,(计算机的)指令表
  • replacementn. 更换,接替者
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的