日期:2016-11-17 17:00


Subjective -- subtract A reward for the submarine crew After the threat had subsided,


The submarine submerged back to the subterranean depths. No one had ever known that it had been there,

潜水艇又潜入深水之中没人知道它曾经 等候在那里,

Waiting to subjugate the enemy if they did not submit to surrender. It was sublime not to be appreciated,

如果敌人不屈服投降, 它便要征服他们.不求赏识是崇高的,

But that was just the subjective view of only a few; Each crew member felt pride in his heart

可这只不过是少数 几个人的主观看法, 每位水兵心中都为 自己感到骄傲,

That they had been there to protect their country. Each man had subscribed to serve regardless of recognition.

因为他们是在那里 保卫自己的国家.不管能不能得到承认, 每个人都愿意为 国家服务,

None regretted the subsequent risks. Later that day, as they cruised at a safe depth,

没有人为后来遇到 的危险后悔过.那天晚些时候, 潜水艇 在安全深度巡航,

The captain visited his subordinates in the lower deck. They were watching Das Boot with English subtitles again.

艇长到下层甲板 看望了他的属下.他们又在看带有英文字 幕的德语电影《脚》.

It was their favorite movie. The crew quickly put down the substances they had been drinking

那是他们最喜欢 看的电影.船员们马上放下 喝的东西,

And stood at attention That was a substantial situation today men.

立正站好.先生们, 今天的情况很现实,

I'm proud of how you conducted yourselves under pressure. I wouldn't substitute any of you today! Good job! Said the captain.

我对你们压力之下 的表现感到骄傲.今天我不会替换任何人 干得好啊!艇长说.

The subsequent salutes between them all reflected their pride. Today your salaries have been subsidized by a subsidiary of the company you were ready to rescue.

接下来他们相互致敬, 反映了他们是多么自豪今天你们的工资里会 加上你们当时准备营救 的公司其子公司提供的 补助.

Your normal salary will become a bonus. And our superiors have subtracted any strikes against you on your records.

你们正常的工资 会变为奖金.我们的上司已将不利于 大家的记录都减掉了.

You all have a clean slate! The smiles on each crew members face were not subtle.

你们的记录都 干干净净!每个水兵脸上的微笑 都不难捉摸.

They had been a motley crew, and several had a habit of brawling. One member had even been found

这群水手各色人等都有 有几个还有吵架、 打架的习惯, 有一个人甚至还被发现

Guilty of having a subscription to an unacceptable magazine. A minor offense, true, but still on the record.

订阅黄色书刊.这只是小毛病, 但也被记录在案.

But that was all history. Now they might not be heroes to the public, but they were heroes to themselves.

但那都是过去的事啦.现在对公众来说, 他们 或许不是英雄, 可对于 他们自己, 他们就是英 雄.

  • threatn. 威胁,凶兆 vt. 威胁, 恐吓
  • surrenderv. 投降,让与,屈服 n. 投降,屈服,放弃
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .
  • guiltyadj. 有罪的,内疚的
  • bonusn. 奖金,红利
  • crewn. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员 vi
  • appreciatedvt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价
  • subsidiaryadj. 辅助的,附属的 n. 子公司,附属机构
  • subtractvt. 扣掉 vi. 减少