日期:2016-10-19 16:19


proclamation - ronounceable The potion


"This potion will produce a prodigious amount of energy for you every day!"

"这种药水能让您每天 产生巨大的能量!"

said a traveling salesman promoting his newest product.

一位推销新产品的 旅行推销员说,

"And if you follow my unique production instructions you can make it on your own!

"如果您按我说的独特 的生产方法去做,您就 能自己制作这种药水!

I don't want any profit.I just want to help people!"

我不要任何利润, 我只是想帮助大家!"

"Aw, that's nonsense." A prominent leader in the town said.

"尽瞎扯。" 镇上一位着名领导说,

"This promotion is all hype.

"这种推销都说得 天花乱坠。

You and your people are prolific liars.

你们这些推销员都是 些经验丰富的骗子。

I'm prone to call the police on you

我很可能会叫警察抓 你们,

to prohibit you from selling that stuff here!"

禁止你们在 这里卖那种东西!"

"No sir.Not this time.


I have promising lab results of this potions' performance in a medical project

一个医学项目证明了这 种药水有很好的实验结 果,

to back up my proclamations.

这说明我的声明 是有根据的,

They show the proficiency of this product.

同时也说明这一产品的 水平。

It can prolong your life.


It can slow the profuse flow of blood after an accident.

还能在事故后减缓 大量流血的速度。

It can really have a profound impact on your life!

它真的能对您的生活 产生深刻的影响!

Please, is there anyone here with health problems?

请问这里有谁 身体不太好?

You can try it now!"


When a young man prompted his crippled grandmother to raise her hand,

当一名年轻人鼓励 他那腿脚有毛病 的祖母举手时,

the profile of the prominent leader became rigid.

那位着名领导的 形象变得僵硬起来。

As the women came forward the salesman said the name of the product.

女人们走上前去, 这时推销员说了 一下产品的名字。

It was hardly pronounceable, so he just told everyone to call it the C drink!

但那名字很难读, 于是他让大家姑 且称之为c饮料!

Then the old woman drank.

然后那老太太喝下 了那药水。

The crowd gasped when a minute later she moved a leg and stood up.

一分钟后,她居然腿 能动了并且站了起来, 大家惊得直喘气,

She hadn't walked for years!

因为她好多年 都没有走路了!

The crowd began to proliferate as people came forward to buy the product.

争先恐后买药水的 人开始猛增。

The prominent leader frowned and walked away.

那位着名领导 皱了皱眉头走了。

After he turned around five minutes later and headed back to buy some potion

五分钟后,他又转回 来买药,

he had arrived too late.They were all gone.

但为时已晚, 人们都走了。

If he had turned his head, however,


he would have seen the old woman standing up straight

就能看见刚才的老太太 站直了身子,

taking off a wig and dress to reveal a beautiful young woman!

她扯下假发和裙子, 变成了一位美丽 的年轻姑娘!

  • profoundadj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的
  • proneadj. 俯卧的,易于 ... 的,有 ... 倾向的
  • proficiencyn. 熟练,精通
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • profuseadj. 很多的,丰富的,浪费的
  • prolificadj. 多产的,作品丰富的
  • rigidadj. 僵硬的,刻板的,严格的
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • prohibitvt. 禁止,妨碍
  • proclamationn. 宣言,公布,文告