日期:2016-11-04 02:08


Scholarship secluded A sculpture for the seals


Walking down the sand dunes to the secluded seafront beach,

从沙丘往下走,来到僻 静的滨海区沙滩,

Betsy scrutinized the best location for her big sculpture.

贝特西仔细观察为她的 大型雕塑寻找最佳位置

It would have to be a place far from scrub and dry vegetation,

这个地方必须远离 灌木丛和干植物,

Since she would be using a torch


To heat the black sealant she would be sculpting with.

加热雕刻时用的 黑色防渗漏剂.

It was a risky method of sculpting, but Betsy thought she was an expert.

她的这种雕刻办法有些 冒险,但贝特西认为 她是个专家.

But this place seemed perfect,


Her work here wouldn't scorch any vegetation or risk starting a fire.

她在这里开展工作不会 烧焦任何植物,也不会 有引起火灾的危险.

Betsy was relieved;


She was quite scrupulous about avoiding any risk to her chances of getting another scholarship.

对于取得又一项学术成 就的机会她很严格认真 她会避免一切风险.

She also didn't want any bad press for what she was planning on building.

还有,她不想报界对她 打算做的事有任何 负面报道.

Then she got her tools and began to work.

接着她拿起工具 开始工作.

As she began scratching and scraping at her materials, she smiled.

在她开始在材料上 又刮又擦的时候, 她笑了.

This sculpture was going to raise awareness about the plight of the California Seal.

这尊雕塑将会提高人们 对加利福尼亚海豹 艰难处境的认识.

Less scrutiny was paid to wild boaters than ever,

对那些疯狂的划船者监 督不像从前那么多了,

And careless drivers were killing scores of seals each day.

粗心的驾驶员每天都要 弄死大量的海豹.

The beaters were the scourge of the earth, as far as Betsy was concerned.

在贝特西来看, 这些划船者是 地球的祸害.

Running her hand down the seam,


Betsy decided to start her sculpting and turned her torch on.

贝特西决定开始雕刻 并且点燃了火把.

She screamed suddenly when it overheated and seared her hand.

火把过热,烧伤了她的 手,她突然尖叫起来.

She scrambled to her feet and looked for a scrap of cloth to wrap around her hand.

她赶忙站起身来,想找 块儿布把手包起来.

She hadn't been anywhere in the script for the day

她那天的行动计划 没有任何进展,

And Betsy was quite disappointed.


She knew that she had to head back to have this hand looked at.

她知道她必须回去 把手检查一下.

The cause of the seals would have to wait until another day.

拯救海豹的事业 得等到另一天了.
