Standard stereotypic A tight situation
Steve quickly stashed the stereo behind a large statue
斯蒂夫很快将立体声 音响藏在一尊很大 的雕像后边,
And walked over to the hotel restaurant.
The food was only standard here, offering only a few staple meals.
那里的食物普普通通, 只供应几顿主食.
But Steve was starved; he didn't care.
但斯蒂夫饿慌了, 他不介意.
He was just hungry and glad to have not been captured for his statutory crime.
他就是很饿,并且很高 兴自己犯下了法定罪行 却没有被抓住.
As he began his meal
Steve was startled to see a police car steer suddenly towards the hotel restaurant.
斯蒂夫吃惊地发现一辆 警车朝酒店餐厅驶来.
He kept quiet and steady when the police -man walked in and sat just behind him.
他悄然稳坐在那里, 警察走进来, 就坐在他的后面.
Isn't that just stereotypical!
We get a tip from someone and we' re still too late!
我们得到了消息, 可还是太晚了!
One policeman said to the other.
一个警察对另外 一个警察说,
That's another one to add to the statistics!
统计数字里 又得加上一个!
It all stems from the fact that this city is steeped in crime.
这都源于这个城市 充满了犯罪.
No one tells the truth anyhow! Said the other.
可就是没人说实话! 另一个警察说.
Yeah, but this contact was so sure.And she wasn't your normal contact stereotype.
是啊,但这个情报来 源很可靠,她不是那种 正常的线人模式.
She even gave us the name, description and marital status of the guy.
她甚至把那个家伙的 名字、外貌特征和婚姻 状况都告诉了我们.
He's broken every statute in the book. Steve something-or-other
法典里就没有他没触犯 过的法律.他的名字好 像是斯蒂夫或什么的
Steve froze! Someone had betrayed him!
斯蒂夫惊呆了! 有人出卖了他!
But he couldn't make a move;hey might see him.
但他不能动, 他们可能会看到他,
So he kept stationary. Maybe they would leave.
因此他就一动不动地 呆在那儿. 或许他们会离开.
So what's the guy look like? Said the second cop.
那么那个家伙长得什 么样? 第二个警察说.
Just a minute, I wrote it here on my wife's stationery. Okay.Here it is.
等一下,我把它记在 我老婆的信封上了. 好,在这里.
Steve couldn't stay static anymore.
斯蒂夫不能再 呆着不动了.
He waved for the bill and stood up to go pay.
他挥手示意埋单, 起身准备去付账,
Then Steve's face went stark white!
接着他的脸变得 十分苍白了!
Hey buddy.You dropped your wallet. The cop said to Steve.
嗨,朋友, 你的钱包掉了. 警察对斯蒂夫说.
Umm.Thanks. Steve turned around, smiled,
哦,谢谢. 斯蒂夫转过身来, 笑了笑,
Took his wallet from the cop and walked away.
从警察手里拿了钱包, 走了.
When the cops ran out of the restaurant several minutes to get Steve,
几分钟后,警察从酒店 跑出来抓斯蒂夫,
He was long gone!