日期:2016-11-02 02:08


Rota salinity A rumble gone bad


Lars jumped a fence, dove over a row of flowers and kept running home.

拉尔斯跳过栅栏, 飞越花丛, 一直向家里跑去.

He rounded a corner


And remembered to pick up his sack with the saline solution for his contacts behind a bush

记得拾起草丛后面那装 有清洗隐形眼镜的 盐溶液的袋子,

Before jogging down the last road to his rural home.

然后慢跑在回乡村老家 的最后一段路上.

He was just rubbing his face and runny nose when he was savaged from behind.

他正擦着脸和流涕的 鼻子,突然有人从 后面捣乱.

Lars had changed his route twice

拉尔斯已经两次 改变路线,

But that ruthless Derek and his gang bad caught him after all.

但还是被冷酷无情的 德里克一伙抓住了.

It looked like things were about to get rough.


Let me go. I didn't do anything, you big bully!

放开我,我什么也没 做,你们这些大流氓!

Lars yelled as he rotated his body around in the arms of his captors

拉尔斯一边大叫一边从 抱住他的人的手里 转动身子

To look Derek straight in the face.


Why don't you just fight me alone?


Or can't you fight me alone without your rota of friends as a safeguard?

没有那些伙计的保护, 你就不敢和我打吧?

With that Lars knew he was in trouble.

话音刚落,拉尔斯知道 自己有麻烦了.

Derek walked over and pushed his friends aside.

德里克走过来, 将手下推到一边.

There.Now it's just between you and me!

好,现在只有 你跟我啦!

But before he bad finished Lars threw his first punch.

但是他话还未讲完, 拉尔斯就打出了第一拳

It wasn't a good one and he sacrificed a wide opening on his left.

他没打中,还在左边 牺牲了一个大口子.

Derek popped him on his cheek and Lars fell to the ground.

德里克猛击他的脸, 拉尔斯摔倒在地上.

It had been another routine rumble and Lars had lost like usual.

这又是一场日常发生 的街头群架,

His tiny reputation was ruined again!

拉尔斯像往常一样又输 了他那本来就小的名气 又一次给毁了.

Feeling a hard object with rust on it near his hand, however,

不过拉尔斯觉察到手边 有个带锈的硬东西,

Lars grabbed it and swung, hitting Derek smack on the head.

于是他抓起来朝德里克 扔去,正好击中了 他的头.

Derek fell to the ground hard, instantly unconscious.

德里克当场倒地, 不醒人事.

Everyone was astonished.


But Lars knew he had made a mistake and leaned over Derek

但拉尔斯知道自己犯了 个错误,他俯下身去 看德里克,

While praying to his sacred God to let Derek wake up!

祈求神圣的上帝 让他醒过来!

As the salinity from Lar's teardrops soaked into the ground,

随着拉尔斯咸咸的 泪水浸湿地面,

He knew that he would not!

他知道德里克不会 醒来啦!
