日期:2016-10-22 16:19


pursuit - radiate The spy catcher


The sun radiated brilliantly as McGee stepped on to the quay.

麦克基踏上码头时, 太阳正散发出 耀眼的光芒。

He walked around the customs queue and out into the city.

他绕过排在海关前的长 队,出来往城里走去。

The quartz in his pocket made little sound,

口袋里的石英发出 的声音很小,

but he fingered it and thought of his quest.

他用手指摸了一下, 心里想着他的寻找。

It was a quest against time and he knew he would have to race

这次寻找是和时间竞赛 他知道惟有全速前进

if he wanted to meet his quota of captured spies.

才能凑足他要抓的 间谋数额。

But this one might not be so easy.

但这个间谍可能没有 那么容易抓到。

The spy he was chasing had many quirks,

他正在追踪的那名间谍 有许多意想不到的怪招

including an uncanny knack of escaping the most qualified personnel.

其中包括逃脱最合格 人员追捕的超常本领。

That was where McGee had been called in.

正因为如此才请来了 麦克基。

McGee's qualification wasn't that he was the best;he was the worst!

麦克基的资格不在于 他是最好的, 而在于他是最糟的!

The worst for his prize, that is. He never quit.

说得明白点儿,对他的 俘虏来说是最糟的。

Other spy catchers might be more qualified,

他从不放弃。其他抓间 谍的人也许资格更老,

but McGee had high quality efficiency - he hadn't let one get away.

但麦克基高质高效 -他没有让一个 间谍跑掉过。

The only downside of McGee


was that he always gave quotations that demanded quadruple pay.

他的报价总是 别人的四倍。

McGee began his query in Rome.

麦克基在罗马开始 了他的询问。

Then, after he had walked through his own qualitative questionnaire,

然后,他把自己的性质 调查表草草地过了 一遍之后,

he had found a piece of quartz once favored by the spy.

发现了一块那名间谍 曾喜欢过的石英。

The quantitative approach of the other spies would have missed the quartz.

如果使用其他间谍 的定量法可能就会 错过这块石英。

That was why McGee was now here in Egypt,

正是由于这个原因,麦 克基现在来到了埃及,

taking his pursuit to the pyramids.

他的追寻一直延伸 到了金字塔。

He recognized the quartz and where it came from.

他认得这块石英, 也知道它的来历。

McGee racked up another degree of respect when,


several days later, he returned with the captured spy

几天后,麦克基带回了 那名

that everyone thought was uncatchable.

大家都认为抓不到 的间谍,

Damn that he was so expensive!

该死的, 他就是开价太高了!
