日期:2016-09-15 14:37



irreversible-junior The junior editor


One day the journalistic curiosity got the best of the junior editor.

一天, 一名初级编辑不禁产生 了新闻工作者的好奇心

He knew that a certain thief was becoming an irritation to people jogging in a nearby park.

他知道有个小偷 正在骚扰在附近公园慢 跑的人,

He decided, therefore to isolate himself in a tree at an important junction and watch to catch the thief.

于是他决定藏在一颗树 上 在一个重要交叉路口, 以便监视并抓住那个 小偷。

His joints were just becoming sore when the irreversible event occurred; he saw the thief not just take jewelry but murder a woman.

等到那件不可挽回的事 情发生的时候他的关节 却开始疼了。 他看到那个小偷不但偷 了珠宝, 还杀了一个女 人。

This had not been on his itinerary. But because he had seen the man's face clearly,

这可不在初级编辑的 计划之中。 但他看清了小偷的脸,

the junior editor was sure that he could put the man in jail. Then the junior editor watched as the man threw the woman's body

所以确信能把他送进 监狱。 然后初级编辑又看见小 偷把女人的尸体扔进

in an irrigation ditch. This would be the cover story of the next issue of the newspaper for sure!

灌溉渠道。 这篇报道写出来肯定会 成为下一期报纸的封面 故事!

That was when an item fell from the junior editor's bag. His journal landed in the bushes and the thief/murderer immediately saw him.

就在这时, -件东西从 初级编辑的包里掉了 出来。 是他的杂志掉进了灌木 丛, 那个小偷杀人犯立 刻发现了他。

Boy was he in a jam now! The junior editor quickly pulled a can of irritant spray from his bag

这下初级编辑真是进 退两难了! 他赶忙从包里掏出一瓶 刺激性的喷雾剂,

and prepared to spray the eyes of the thief/murderer. The thief/murderer didn't want to jeopardize anything, however,

准备喷小偷杀人犯的 眼睛。 但那个小偷杀人犯并 不想再冒任何风险,

and jetted away on a motorcycle that he pulled from some bushes as thick as those of a jungle.

他从一块如密林的灌木 丛中拖出一辆摩托车 飞驰而去。

All of the editors were jealous when the junior editor made front- page the following day

所有的编辑都嫉妒不已 第二天初级编辑上了 头版,

and declared a hero. He correctly identified the thief/murderer

并被评为英雄, 他准确地指认出那个 小偷杀人犯,

and the police brought him in. Soon trees were filled with other young reporters hoping to catch their own thief.

警察把他抓了起来。 很快, 树上蹲满了其他 想捉贼的年轻记者。

None came, however, and the junior editor was promoted to full editor for his bravery.

但是再也没来过小偷, 而初级编辑则因为英勇 表现被升为正式编辑。
