Middling--mission A milestone for missiles The mission was doomed from the start.
导弹发展史上的里程碑 这次任务从一开始 就注定要失败。
But the, millannium was approaching and the majority of scientists.
但是千年就要到来, 大多数科学家都说
Said that a milestone had been passed in the development of middling missiles; tests should begin immediately.
已经跨越了中程导弹 发展史上的一个里程碑 导弹测试刻不容缓。
After a former minefield had been cleared and made to resemble a miniature city.
一个旧雷区被清理掉 并被改造得像一座 缩微城市之后,
All participants gathered at the test site. It was a mild day with only a minimal threat for rain.
所有参与者都聚集 到测试现场。 那天天气温和, 下雨的可能性极小,
But it was perfect for testing. After a flock of migrating birds had flown by.
这种天气进行导弹测试 是再好不过了。 一群迁徙的鸟儿飞过去 后,
The controller said T minus 10 counting, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ignition! The missile took off.
控制台喊道:减10倒 计时开始。10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 点火! 导弹起飞了。
As it soared through the air everyone held his or her breath. It landed and a huge explosion shook the earth.
随着导弹直冲云霄, 每个人都屏住了呼吸。 导弹降落了,巨大的 爆炸声震得山摇地动。
After several minutes had passed the experts stepped out to see what had happened. It was a miracle!
几分钟过后, 专家们出来了解情况。 真是一个奇迹!
The bomb had hit only the building that had been targeted and there was no debris anywhere! It had been vaporized!
炸弹只击中被瞄准的建 筑物, 四周连一片残骸都没有 那座建筑物被蒸发了!
But they had misjudged the situation. Suddenly all of the surrounding structures that mimicked a city.
但是他们对形势 做出了错误的判断。 突然,四周所有呈现城 市形象的建筑
Collapsed into basic minerals. Luckily there were no mishaps and everyone was safe.
轰然倒塌, 只剩下一堆基本的矿物 质幸好没有灾难发生, 大家都安然无恙。
But the scientists moaned in misery; it had failed! The minority, who had always held that it wouldn't work.
但科学家痛苦地呻吟: 失败了! 那些一向认为会 失败的少数派
Were arrested and taken away. Several days later they were released You misapprehended us!Why? They asked.
被抓走了。几天后, 他们又被放了出来。 你们误解我们了! 为什么?他们问道。
We had to make sure that no miscellaneous information would get out to the press. The majority replied.
我们必须保证没有 乱七八糟的消息 传到媒体上。 多数派回答道,
This was only a minor failure. We'll try again next year.
这只是一次较小的失 败。 明年我们还要再试一次
And we didn't want your complaints to jeopardize our funding! If you say anything in the future.
我们不希望你们的抱怨 危害我们的筹款工作。 如果你们今后 还要说三道四,
We will miniaturize your stature and end your careers!
我们就微缩你们的身材 让你们的事业也完蛋!