日期:2016-09-02 11:20



hollow-hostile A hostile homestay


Dave had only wanted a place to do a homestay and earn his degree in desert horticulture.

戴夫只想找个地方过一 段家庭居住的生活以获 得 沙漠园艺学学位。

He hadn't wanted to go to a hostel or rent his own apartment. He had just wanted to get to know the hospitality of the locals.

他不想去校外的学生宿 舍, 也不想租自己的公 寓, 他只想了解当地人的好 客程度。

He had no idea that members of the family he was staying with were victims of the holocaust. When they found out that Dave was German

他不知道自己去住的那 个家庭是第二次世界大 战时纳粹大屠杀的受害 者。 如果他们发现戴夫是德 国人,

he was sure they would commit homicide. Now the situation was hopeless.

他敢肯定他们会杀了他 现在的情况是毫无希望

When he had said that there had been good Germans too, they only locked him hostage in his room.

他说德国人中也有好人 他们竟把他作为人质 锁在他的屋里。

Hordes of hostile neighbors were gathering outside his window. One woman with hair on her face

成群不友善的邻居聚集 在他的窗外。 一位脸上长毛的妇女

yelled that the Nazis had experimented on her hormones. Another man with a hollow face

大叫, 说纳粹分子拿她 的荷尔蒙做过实验。 另一位脸部凹陷的男人 说

said that Dave's parents had killed his children. This was ridiculous!

戴夫的父母杀了他的孩 子。 真是荒唐透顶!

"They were not homogenous! My father lost a leg running from the Nazis himself!He was an honourable man!"

"我父母和纳粹分子 不是同类! 我父亲自己从纳粹分子 那里逃跑时还丢了一条 腿呢!他可是个好人!"

That was when the honking began and a man with a metal bar ran towards the house,

就在这时, 有人开始 鸣喇叭, 一个男人手拿一根金属 棒跑向关戴夫的屋子,

swung it and broke his window! Dave jumped up,

他挥棒打碎了他的窗 户! 戴夫跳了起来,

grabbed a large hook from the wall and prepared to defend himself. At least he would die with honour defending his parents!

从墙上抓起一个大钩子 准备自卫。 至少他可以为扞卫父母 的名誉而光荣地死去!

He hopped out the window to face the crowd. Sirens in the distance caused them all to stop.

他跳到窗外, 面对众人 远处的警笛声把他们都 镇住了。

Dave looked hopefully at the police cars as they drove up over the horizon.

戴夫满怀希望地看着 警车 从地平线那边开过来的

When the Police Chief walked up, he rolled up his sleeve and held it horizontal to the ground in front of Dave's face, however,

然而, 当警长走过来、 卷起袖子、 在戴夫面前把手伸得和 地面平行时,

he knew it was over; his arm was stamped with a number.

戴夫知道自己完了--警 长的手臂上印有一个数字。
