Abandon accomplish an honorable entry.
The acclaimed academic. Dr.Sir Walter T.J.Fitzbody.
Accompanied the equally accessible expert of aboriginal history.
陪同同样平易近人的 土著历史研究专家
Dr.Mugambe H.C.Carriky. Slowly to the platform to accept his National Science Foundation Award.
穆甘贝Hc克里 奇博士缓缓走向领奖台领取 国家科学基金奖。
Both were noted for their absenteeism. Rarely seen in public
这俩人都以离群索居、 很少在公共场合抛头 露面出名。
And still marveled at for their abonormal usage of double abbreviations in their names.
非常规地使用了两个缩 写更使人感到不可思议 他俩姓名当中。
That it was Dr.Carriky. The former pupil of Dr.Fitzbody
克里奇博士是费茨博迪 博士的前学生。
Who was receiving this lifetime award before his mentor was only minor.
他在导师之前获得这 项终生奖项并没有什 么不妥。
Dr.Fitzbody knew that academia was not always fair and.
因为费茨博迪博士知道 学术界并不总是公平。
Having always been rather accommodating for his favourite student anyhow.
加上他平时总爱在得意 门生面前行个方便。
Was taking the event as an honor to his work as well.
他把这件事也看成了对 他的工作的肯定。
When Dr.Carriky accidentally tripped over the toe of a person with his leg extended too far into the aisle.
克里奇博士不小心踩 到了一个把腿伸到走 廊的人的脚趾。
The gasps of the crowd conveniently covered
人群的惊呼声刚好掩盖 了
The abusive words that came out of Dr.Carriky's mouth.
克里奇博士脱口而出 的辱骂性语言。
The man did not take the abuse kindly.
可那个男人对这句辱骂 却不依不饶。
However. And abandoning all respect. Began to rise to respond to the guest of honor.
他丢掉一切敬意 站起 来准备回敬这位嘉宾。
Dr.Fitzbody.sensing trouble.quickly accelerated towards the stage.
费茨博迪博士感觉到可 能会有麻烦.便赶紧加 速向讲台走去。
It did not matter that a accessory of his robe was lost to the floor as they escaped.
脱身的时候.他长袍上 的一个附件掉在了地上 但这也没什么要紧。
The rest of the audience.sensing a need for accommodation.
其他观众感觉有必要调 解这场纠纷。
Politely gave clear access so that no further mishaps would occur.
于是很有礼貌地让开一 条通道以防再发生什么 不愉快的事情。
Having accomplished their entry.
Dr.Fitzbody began his introduction of Dr.Carriky.
费茨博迪博士开始 介绍克里奇博士。
He gently smiled and said a joke that related the fall to a historical abstraction.
他温和地笑了笑并 讲了个笑话. 把刚才的跌倒与一种历 史上的抽象艺术扯上了 关系。
The crowed laughed in relief and breathed easily as they knew that honor and dignity had been restored.
人们如释重负地笑起来 松了一口气. 因为他们明白两位学者 找回了荣誉和尊严。