大陆版剑桥雅思10真题听力 第52期:Test4(section4-1)
日期:2015-12-25 15:25


You will hear a woman talking to a group of first year science graduate students about the developing of science nanotechnology.
First, you'll have some time to look at the questions 31 to 40.
Now, listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.
Today we're going to look at an important area of science, namely nanotechnology.
So what is it?
Nano means tiny, so it's science and engineering on the scale of atoms and molecules.
The idea is that by controlling and rearranging atoms, you can literally create anything.
However, as we'll see, the science of the small has some big implications affecting us in many ways.
There's no doubt that nanotechnology promises so much for civilisation.
However, all new technologies have their teething problems.
And with nanotechnology society often gets the wrong idea about its capabilities.
