Task 1
今日小作文为柱形图,主要考察“average number of trips made by man and women by purpose in a certain European country in 2007”,人们旅游的动机包括“travelling to work, shopping, visiting friends, taking children to school and day trip”。
Task 2
Some people think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Others believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
背景:犯罪会带来毁灭性影响,危害社会的秩序和安定。(Crime, with wide-ranging and devastating effect, undermines the order and stability of the social security. )
改写题目:然而,罪犯所处的外部环境抑或罪犯本性导致犯罪行为是让备受争议的一个话题。( However, there are conflicting views on whether crime is determined by the circumstance or the evil nature of criminals. )但不得不承认的是,外部环境与本性跟犯罪之间的因果关系并非很明确(the link of cause and effect between circumstance as well as nature and crime is unclear)。
Body paragraph1:
支持外部因素是主导因素的人们认为(people in favor of the circumstance argue that )外部因素例如贫穷或者社会问题会给人们的行为带来深远的影响(far-reaching influence)。专家对于外部原因导致犯罪持有不同的观点(experts hold different opinions about the circumstances leading people to commit acts of violence and crime)。研究表明愤怒、绝望以及需要钱来解决食物、避难和其他必需品等情况都有可能导致犯罪行为(Research has shown that anger, desperation, and the need of money for food, shelter, and other necessities may all contribute to criminal behavior)。在一些情况下,外部原因例如极度贫困、饥荒以及贫富差距过大的社会问题的确是犯罪诱因(in some cases, external factors such as extreme privation, famine and the split between the rich and the poor undoubtedly motivate potential criminals to commit crimes)。例如,穷人为了谋生去贩毒(to obtain money some people commit the crime of selling illegal drugs)或者社会的不公平滋生人们怨恨情绪从而报复社会( the social inequity irritates resentment and leads to revenge on the society)。
Body paragraph 2:
然而,另一些人则强调本性在促使人犯罪这方面的重要性大于外部环境。人们考察人类心理和头脑发育的方式很大程度上受到基因科学的影响(Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic sciences)。很多权威报道都已证明早起儿童阶段孩子的行为深受其性格的影响(Numerous reports have proven that children’s behavior is heavily affected by their nature)。易怒的孩子往往控制怒气的能力较差,往往也具有犯罪倾向(Children who are aggressive and violent are likely to have poor anger management, resulting in their criminal tendency)。若自控能力较差 (poor self-discipline) ,当他们长大成人,即使接受过高等教育,也有可能因为犯罪心理而做出反社会行为 (anti-social behavior)。
个人观点是,并不认为外部因素或本性中的哪一个是引起犯罪的最主要原因(either circumstance or nature is the major influence on crime),因为他们都拥有很大的影响力。外部因素与犯罪本性往往是相互影响的 ( are constantly interacting ),正是在这种相互作用下,犯罪的本性才得以形成,外部因素才得以发挥影响 (It is the interaction of the two that shapes a criminal’s nature and fulfills the influence of circumstance) 。