A类Task 1
图表类型 | 柱状图(动态)。 |
作文题目 | The bar chat shows the average hours of housework done by women (unemployment, part time, full time) and full time working men. |
要素回忆 | 详见下图。数据单位为hours. |
写作指导 | 本图较易写。先写横比:不工作和兼职女性做家务的时间最长,而全职男性的工作时间最少。再写纵比:在前10年,女性的家务时间都出现了减少(一起写,数据都要交代),但是到了2005年,兼职女性的家务时间大幅增加,到6小时。无工作和全职的女性的家务时间都经历了小幅的上涨,分别到了7小时(与1985年持平)和2.3小时。男性的情况稍有不同。前10年保持稳定,都是1小时。但是到了2005年,上升到了1.5小时。结论:尽管男性的家务时间在1995-2005年间出现了小幅度的上涨,但是绝大多数的家务活还是由女性在承担。 |
类似真题 | 剑9 Test 2 |
A类Task 2
作文题目 | Some people think that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others, however, think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. |
题目翻译 | 一些人认为在大学里学习是准备他们未来职业的最好方法。而另一些人则认为他们应当尽快离校,通过工作经验来发展他们的职业生涯。讨论双方观点并给出你的观点。 |
话题分类 | 教育类 |
题型类别 | 双边讨论 |
是否旧题 | 旧题,与2007年9月1日的题目完全相同。 |
话题分析 | 本题属于教育类话题最常见的分支“教育的功能”,考生一般都会有所准备,故难度较小。而且本题属于双边讨论题型,单边双边都可以使用,不容易偏题。 |
类似话题 | 1. Some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more important than life experiences and personal qualities when they look for an employee. Why is it the case? Is it a positive or negative development? (071013) 2. In some countries, secondary school aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system is appropriate? (041218, 070707) |
结构思路 | 根据观点的不同,本题有两种写法: 1、双边支持。分析两种观点各自的好处,最后给出折中方案。 2、单边支持。正文第一段驳斥第二方的观点(尽快离校参加工作),正文第二段(或五段式中的第二三段)支持第一方的观点(大学促进就业上的好处)。 个人倾向于第二种写法。 参考论点: 1、 驳斥尽快离校参加工作: Admittedly, leaving school earlier can help graduates adapt to the fast-changing society quickly. However, as our society has raised higher requirements for knowledge, those secondary school leavers have very little competitive edge over college graduates. As a consequence, the jobs they can secure are confined to low-paid unskilled manual labour. 2、 大学在促进就业上的好处: a. 大学阶段所学到的theoretical knowledge and practical skills可以帮助用人单位cut down on the costs on staff training, 因此更容易被录用。 b. 学生在大学里可以学会各种在社会上学不到的技能,比如critical thinking, independent thinking, cooperation and compromise, team spirit. 这些品质对现代企业的发展是非常有价值的。 c. 接受过高等教育的学生往往有更高的moral standard和legal consciousness,都是law-abiding citizens,自然更受雇主的垂青。 |