日期:2016-10-21 16:09


Law of the People's Republic of China on the Red Cross Society
Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to protecting the life and health of human beings, fostering humanism, promoting peace and progress, and ensuring the Red Cross Society's performance of its functions and duties in accordance with the law.
第一条 为了保护人的生命和健康,发扬人道主义精神,促进和平进步事业,保障红十字会依法履行职责,制定本法。
Article 2 The Red Cross Society of China is a unitary Red Cross organization of the People's Republic of China and a social relief and aid society that engages in humanitarian work.
第二条 中国红十字会是中华人民共和国统一的红十字组织,是从事人道主义工作的社会救助团体。
Article 3 All citizens of the People's Republic of China who, regardless of ethnic status, race, sex, occupation, religious belief and education status, recognize the Statutes of the Red Cross Society of China and pay membership dues, may join the Society on a voluntary basis.
第三条 中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度,承认中国红十字会章程并缴纳会费的,可以自愿参加红十字会。
Article 4 The Red Cross Society of China shall abide by the Constitution and laws of China, adhere to the Fundamental Principles laid down by the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement, and carry out its work independently in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols acceded to by China and the Statutes of the Red Cross Society of China.
第四条 中国红十字会遵守宪法和法律,遵循国际红十字和红新月运动确立的基本原则,依照中国参加的日内瓦公约及其附加议定书和中国红十字会章程,独立自主地开展工作。
Article 5 The people's government shall provide support and financial aid to the Red Cross Society of China, ensure the Society's performance of its functions and duties according to law, and exercise supervision over its activities; the Society shall assist the people's government in activities relevant to its own functions and duties.
第五条 人民政府对红十字会给予支持和资助,保障红十字会依法履行职责,并对其活动进行监督;红十字会协助人民政府开展与其职责有关的活动。
Article 6 The Red Cross Society of China shall develop friendly relations and cooperation with the Red Cross Societies and the Red Crescent Societies of all countries on the principles of independence, equality and mutual respect.
第六条 中国红十字会根据独立、平等、互相尊重的原则,发展同各国红十字会和红新月会的友好合作关系。
Article 7 The Red Cross Society of China shall use the sign of the Red Cross against a white background.
第七条 中国红十字会使用白底红十字标志。
