日期:2016-07-15 20:07



第四章 教师和其他教育工作者

Article 32 Teachers shall enjoy the rights prescribed by law, fulfil the obligations prescribed by law and devote themselves to the people's cause of education.


Article 33 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of teachers, improves their working and living conditions and enhances their social status.

第三十三条 国家保护教师的合法权益,改善教师的工作条件和生活条件,提高教师的社会地位。

Salaries and welfare benefits for teachers shall be handled according to the provisions of laws and regulations.


Article 34 The State applies a system of qualifications, posts and appoint-ment for teachers, enhances the quality of teachers and build a strong contingent of teachers by means of examination, awards and training.

第三十四条 国家实行教师资格、职务、聘任制度,通过考核、奖励、培养和培训,提高教师素质,加强教师队伍建设。

Article 35 A system of educational administrators shall be applied for administrative personnel of schools and other institutions of education.

第三十五条 学校及其他教育机构中的管理人员,实行教育职员制度。

A system of appointment for professional or technical post shall be applied for auxiliary teaching staff and other professional or technical personnel in schools and other institutions of education.


Article 36 Educatees shall according to law enjoy equal rights in enrollment, admission to schools of a higher level, employment, etc.

第三十六条 受教育者在入学、升学、就业等方面依法享有平等权利。

Schools and administrative departments concerned shall, in accordance with relevant regulations of the State, ensure that females enjoy equal rights with males in enrollment, admission to schools of a higher level, employment, conferment of academic degrees, dispatch for study abroad, etc.


Article 37 The State and society provide financial assistance of various forms to children, adolescents and youths who meet the conditions for school admission but whose families have financial difficulties.

第三十七条 国家、社会对符合入学条件、家庭经济困难的儿童、少年、青年,提供各种形式的资助。

Article 38 The State, society, schools and other institutions of education shall carry out education for the disabled in light of their physical and mental conditions and needs and provide them with assistance and convenience.

第三十八条 国家、社会、学校及其他教育机构应当根据残疾人身心特性和需要实施教育,并为其提供帮助和便利。
