日期:2016-09-26 15:43


Chapter VI Civil Liability Section 1 General Stipulations
第六章 民事责任 第一节 一般规定
Article 106 Citizens and legal persons who breach a contract or fail to fulfil other obligations shall bear civil liability.
第一百零六条 公民、法人违反合同或者不履行其他义务的,应当承担民事责任。
Citizens and legal persons who through their fault encroach upon state or collective property or the property or person of other people shall bear civil liability.
Civil liability shall still be borne even in the absence of fault, if the law so stipulates.
Article 107 Civil liability shall not be borne for failure to perform a contract or damage to a third party if it is caused by force majeure, except as otherwise provided by law.
第一百零七条 因不可抗力不能履行合同或者造成他人损害的,不承担民事责任,法律另有规定的除外。
Article 108 Debts shall be cleared. If a debtor is unable to repay his debt immediately, he may repay by instalments with the consent of the creditor or a ruling by a people's court. If a debtor is capable of repaying his debt but refuses to do so, repayment shall be compelled by the decision of a people's court.
第一百零八条 债务应当清偿。暂时无力偿还的,经债权人同意或者人民法院裁决,可以由债务人分期偿还。有能力偿还拒不偿还的,由人民法院判决强制偿还。
Article 109 If a person suffers damages from preventing or stopping encroachment on state or collective property, or the property or person of a third party, the infringer shall bear responsibility for compensation, and the beneficiary may also give appropriate compensation.
第一百零九条 因防止、制止国家的、集体的财产或者他人的财产、人身遭受侵害而使自己受到损害的,由侵害人承担赔偿责任,受益人也可以给予适当的补偿。
Article 110 Citizens or legal persons who bear civil liability shall also be held for administrative responsibility if necessary. If the acts committed by citizens and legal persons constitute crimes, criminal responsibility of their legal representatives shall be investigated in accordance with the law.
第一百一十条 对承担民事责任的公民、法人需要追究行政责任的,应当追究行政责任;构成犯罪的,对公民、法人的法定代表人应当依法追究刑事责任。
