日期:2016-05-21 09:01



第三章 消防组织

Article 26 The people's government at all levels shall, in accordance with the requirement of economic and social development, set up fire control organizations in multi forms, strengthen construction of fire control organizations and the abilities on fire fighting.

第二十六条 各级人民政府应当根据经济和社会发展的需要,建立多种形式的消防组织,加强消防组织建设,增强扑救火灾的能力。

Article 27 Urban people's governments shall, in accordance with the standards on fire control station construction, set up public security fire brigade, full time fire brigade to undertake fire fighting and rescue work.

第二十七条 城市人民政府应当按照国家规定的消防站建设标准建立公安消防队、专职消防队、承担火灾扑救工作。

Township people's governments may, in accordance with the requirements of economic development and fire control work, set up full time and voluntary fire brigades to undertake fire fighting and rescue work.


Public security fire brigades, except guaranteeing to carry out fire fighting and rescue work as stipulated in this law, should also do rescue and relief work of other disasters or accidents.


Article 28 The following units shall set up full time fire brigades to undertake fire fighting and rescue work.

第二十八条 下列单位应当建立专职消防队,承担本单位的火灾扑救工作:

(I) Nuclear power plant, large power plant, civil airports and large wharves;


(II) Large enterprises producing and storing inflammable and explosive dangerous goods;


(III) Large warehouses and bases storing inflammable important goods;

(三)储备可燃的重要物资 的重要仓库、基地;

(IV) Other large enterprises other than those listed in Item (I) (II) (III), but with high risk of fire disaster and are far from local public security fire brigades.


Article 29 The establishment of full time fire brigade shall conform to relevant regulations of the state and be submitted to fire control institutions of public security organs of the people's government at provincial level.

第二十九条 专职消防队的建立,应当府合国家有关规定,并报省级人民政符公安机关消防机构验收。

Article 30 State organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions as well as towns and villages may set up obligatory fire brigade consisting of working staff or villager based on need.

第三十条 机关、团体、企业、事业单位以及乡、村可以根据需要,建立由职工或者村民组成的义务消防队

Article 31 Public security fire control institutions shall give business guidance to full time and obligatory fire brigades, and shall have the right to direct and muster full time fire brigade for fire fighting and rescue work.

第三十一条 公安消防机构应当对专职消防队、义务消防队进行业务指导,并有权指挥调动专职消防队参加火灾扑救工作。
