今天我们要给大家介绍和船有关的习惯用语: To shape up or ship out. To shape up or ship out,我们先来看前面一半 to shape up. To shape up 的意思是改进你的工作或行为。后面一半 to ship out 就是离开一个地方。把前后两部份合在一起 to shape up or ship out 就成了一个俗语,意思是:要就改进你的工作,否则就离开这儿。美国的陆军里经常用这个俗语。下面这个例子是一个陆军中士在训斥一个二等兵。
"Jones, you are without a doubt the worst soldier in the whole company! Your uniform looks like you slept in it! Your rifle is always dirty, and you can’t follow a simple order! I’m telling you, soldier -- either shape up or ship out, you hear me!"
我们上面说 to shape up or ship out 这个俗语在陆军里用的比较多,但是在日常生活中也可能出现的。例如,一个公司的老板对手下一个雇员说:
"Mary, you often come late in the morning and leave early in the evening, and you are always on the phone talking to your friends. This is not acceptable here. I’m now giving you a last chance, either shape up or ship out. "
n.(有条件的)投降;投降条约; [pl. ] 协定
The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.