英语六级分类阅读模拟训练附答案和精讲 第8篇:社会生活(8)
日期:2014-12-03 15:17



Electronic cigarettes are handheld nicotine-delivery devices that, despite, a devoted following, are currently swirling in controversy. New York is pushing to become the first state to ban the devices, which so far remain _1_ and mostly unstudied. With cute colors, fruity flavors clever designs and other options, e-cigarettes may hold too much _2_ for young people, critics warn, offering an easy gateway to nicotine addiction. But those criticisms clash with _3_ strong arguments for the value of e-cigarettes. The devices, which are tobacco-free, may be a safer _4_ to cigarettes, say advocates, who point to thousands of smoker who say they have used e-cigarettes to help them quit
Electronic cigarettes _5_ use a rechargeable battery-operated heating element to vaporize the nicotine in a replaceable pipe. Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that people can become addicted to. Some cigarettes are made to look like real cigarettes, cigars or pipes. Others look like pens or USB memory devices. No tobacco is _6_ in e-cigarettes and there is no smoke either. Instead, as users breathe in, they take in nicotine-filled vapor.
By isolating nicotine, e-cigarettes should carry far fewer chemical risks than _7_ cigarettes. Tobacco contains about 5,000 _8_ chemicals with as many as 100,000 more that haven’t yet been known. E-cigarettes _9_ many of those ingredients. Researchers also found evidence that e-cigarettes reduce desires among smokers, not just for nicotine but also for the need to hold something in their hands and put something in their mouths. As a cigarette-quitting strategy, it’s not that the devices are good for anyone, but they are just better than what they’re meant to _10_.
A) alternative B) engaged C) regular D) opaque
E)involved F)typically G)solely H) appeal
I) momentum J) equally K) replace L) unregulated
M) eliminate N) detect O)identified


Passage 8
1.[L]空格作remained的表语,可能是名词、形容词或分词。空格所在定语从句解释纽约禁止电子香烟的原因。unregulated符合句法和语义要求,remained unregulated意为“(电子香烟)仍缺乏监管”。
2.[H] too much提示空格处应为不可数名词。句子开头提到“颜色可爱、水果味、设计巧妙”,这表明电子香烟对年轻人“很有吸引力”,appeal符合句意。
4.[A] a提示空格处应为单数名词。句子后半部分提到,很多人借助电子香烟戒烟,可见它可以“替代”普通香烟。名词库中alternative“供替代的选择”能与to搭配,符合句意。
7.[C]空格所在句意为“通过将尼古丁分离出来,与……香烟相比,电子香烟导致的化学危害要小得多”,regular符合语境,regular cigarettes意为“普通香烟”。

  • momentumn. 动力,要素,势头,(物理)动量
  • substancen. 物质,实质,内容,重要性,财产
  • identifiedadj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id
  • alternativeadj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的 n. 替换
  • devotedadj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • unregulatedadj. 未经调节的;未校准的
  • eliminatev. 除去,剔除; 忽略
  • controversyn. (公开的)争论,争议
  • vaporn. 蒸汽