CRI News Report:China loosens currency controls on the yuan
日期:2012-04-17 10:52


China issues alert on "chromium-contaminated" capsules

China's drug watchdog has issued an emergency notice, suspending the sale and consumption of a number of capsules which may contain excessive chromium contamination.
News reports are now suggesting that several commonly used drugs are packed into capsules made from industrial gelatin, which contains a much higher degree of chromium than edible gelatin.
The State Food and Drug Administration has now launched a probe into the drugs mentioned in the report.
China loosens currency controls on the yuan

The central authorities are loosening their controls on the Renminbi as of today in a move which is likely to increase the value of the yuan.
Starting today, the yuan can fluctuate up to a full percentage point in trading against the US dollar from a fixed price set by China's central bank.
The previous limit was 0.5%.
The central bank says the band the RMB trades in is being increased to "meet market demands, promote price discovery and enhance the flexibility of RMB exchange rate in both directions."
Since the Yuan was de-pegged against the US dollar in 2005, its value has increased by over 30-percent against the greenback.
Illegally stored explosives blamed for deadly building collapse

Local anthorities are now pointing to illegally stored explosives for a deadly blast in Fujian yesterday which has left 9 people dead.
36 others are in hospital following the explosion in the city of Longyan.
The explosion was strong enough to bring down a residental building next to the garage storing the explosives.
The owner of the garage has since been detained.
Chinese fishing boat returns after stalemate with Philippine Navy

One of the 12 Chinese fishing boats involved in this past week's standoff at Huangyan Island has now returned to port in Hainan.
The boat is one of a dozen that was caught up in the latest incident involving sovergnty in the South China Sea.
This past week, a group of 12 fishing boats took refuge from a storm in a lagoon in Huangyan Island.
The port was then blocked by a gunboat from the Philippines, eventually spurring the Chinese coast guard to get involved.
The standoff was later resolved peacefully, with most of the Chinese boats now continuing their fishing in the South China Sea.
China probes airport incidents over flight delays

China's aviation authorities say they're investigating a pair of incidents at two separate airports connected to passanger frustration with delays.
The Civil Aviation Administration is calling for industry-wide improvements to post-delay services for passangers.
The investigations have been launched after passangers on-board two separate flights last week rushed onto the tarmac in frustration over delays.
Tornadoes kill 5, injure dozens in U.S. state of Oklahoma

At least 5 people are dead and at least 30 others hurt, after a series of tornados tore their way through the US mid-west this weekend.
The US National Weather Service has recieved at least 120 reports of tornado touch-downs across the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa.
Forecasters are warning that more tornadoes are likely in the so-called 'tornado alley,' which runs in a diagnal path through the middle of the United States from the northwestern regions through to the south.
UN advance observer team arrives in Syria to monitor truce

An advance team of UN observers has now arrived in the Syrian capital Damascus.
The team is there to monitor the cease-fire brokered this past week by international envoy Kofi Annan.
This team of observers will be followed by a larger group if the advance team feels the truce is holding.
The observer team is the latest step in the internationally-brokered plan to bring the over year of violence in Syria to a final conclusion.
The unrest in that country has left close to 10-thousand people dead and tens-of-thousands more displaced.
Russia says Iran nuclear talks "constructive"

The Russian government is now describing this weekend's Iranian nuclear talks as 'constructive.'
A Russian diplomat says all involved have reached a concensus on 'several specific issues.'
He also says the talks were held in a constructive and respectful atmosphere.
The talks, involving Iran and the 5 permanent members of the UN security council, plus Germany, took place on Saturday in Istanbul.
Another round of talks has been scheduled in about a months' time in Baghdad.
Presidential runoff voting in Timor Leste begins

The Presidental runoff vote is now underway in Timor-Leste.
The two-man runoff is pitting opposition leader Francisco Guterres against the former head of East Timor's armed forces, Taur Ruak.
Guterres enteres the voting after coming out first among the first round of voting with just over 28-percent support.
Ruak came through the first round of voting in March with 25-percent support.
Hollande says ready to lead France to change

The campaigning for France's Presidental election is set to hit its highest gear this week as the contenders prepare for this coming Sunday's first-round vote.
Socialist candidate Francois Hollande has told a campaign rally this weekend that he stands ready to 'take the helm' of change in France.
Hollande and incumbent Nicholas Sarkozy are currently in a statistical dead heat heading into this Sunday's first round of voting.
Both Hollande and Sarkozy are expected to emerge out of the first round, which will then set them up for a showdown in the final vote in May.

  • statisticaladj. 统计的,统计学的
  • respectfuladj. 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的
  • explosionn. 爆炸,爆发,激增
  • votingn. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行
  • incumbentadj. 凭依的,依靠的,负有义务的 n. 领圣职的俸禄
  • ediblen. 食品,食物 adj. 可食用的
  • electionn. 选举
  • tornadon. 飓风,旋风,龙卷风