CRI News Report:DPRK puts rocket on pad for satellite launch
日期:2012-04-10 13:07


DPRK puts rocket on pad for satellite launch

The North Korean rocket for the planned satellite launch later this month has been installed on the launch pad.

Some 70 reporters including those from Chinese media were invited to take a special visit to the Sohae Satellite Launching Station on Sunday.

Jang Myung Jin, who is in charge at the station, told reporters the three-stage Unha-3 rocket, which will carry the Kwang-myong-song-3 satellite into space, has been assembled but not yet fueled.

He states the carrier rocket is equipped with a self-destruction system and therefore won't affect other regional countries.

Annan condemns surge in violence inSyria

International special envoy for Syria Kofi Annan has condemned the surge of violence in several towns and villages inSyria.

Annan said in a statement that the present escalation of violence was "in violation of assurances" given to him and is unacceptable.

He once again called on both the Syrian government and the opposition to cease all forms of violence by 6am Damascus time this coming Thursday April 12th.
Irannot to stop high-grade uranium enrichment

The Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran the A-E-O-I, saysIranwill not stop high-grade uranium enrichment, and will not close down the Fordo nuclear site.

Fer-ei-doon Abbasi, says there is no justification for the 'illogical' demands of the five permanent UN Security Council members - plusGermany- to stop the enrichment of uranium in the country.

The A-E-O-I chief contendsIranhas no need to enrich 20-percent uranium beyond their needs, because it is not economical to produce or to keep it.

Abbasi's comments come just a few days ahead of scheduled nuclear talks betweenIranand the six world powers, which a spokesman of EU foreign affairs Chief Catherine Ashton has just confirmed, will be held this Saturday in Istanbul.

Number of people buried inPakistanavalanche rises to 139

Four more people have been found buried inPakistan, bringing the total number missing to 139-following Saturday’s massive avalanche.

The snow slide hit an army camp in the country's northern Siachen Glacier in the eastern himalayas.

Army spokespersons say the number of people caught in the snow slide includes 124-soldiers and 11 civilians.

The four others have not yet been identified.

240-soldiers and civilians are involved in the search for survivors.

So far no-one has been found alive.

The avalanche is said to be the worst of its kind in the last 20-years, hitting a region known for its difficult terrain and high altitude.

Pakistani president returns home afterIndiavisit

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has returned home following a trip toIndiato meet with the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

It is the first visit by a Pakistani President since 2005.

Zadari and Singh reportedly discussed wide-ranging topics during the friendly talks, including finding an agreeable solution to the Kashmir issue, water issues and bilateral trade.

Gilani also said friendly relations between the two will ensure regional harmony and strengthen ties between the neighboring nations.

Chinese FM thanksIranfor rescue operation

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has expressed gratitude toIranfor its successful rescue of a hijacked China-linked freighter and the 28-Chinese crew members on board.

Yang Jiechi sent the message in a letter delivered to his Iranian counterpart Ali-Akbar Salehi.

Panama-registered cargo ship Xiang-huamen was hijacked on Friday by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Oman nearIran's southern port of Chab-ahar.

However at the urgent request of the Chinese embassy,Iranwas able to dispatch warships to the waters and carry out a successful rescue mission.

Drunk driving blamed for deadly yacht accident

A pilot believed to be responsible for a deadly yacht accident in east China's Jiangsu province has been confirmed to have been drunk driving.

Local authorities say blood tests on the pilot, Feng Ke'er, showed there were 54- milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood - that is 34 milligrams higher than the permitted amount.

Four students from two Shanghai-based universities were killed and four others injured on Wednesday when their yacht, piloted by Feng, hit the cable of a cargo ship on the lake of Taihu in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.

The passengers were reportedly not wearing life vests in the yacht.

Chinasets up rare earth association to regulate development

China's rare earth industry has set up an association with the aim of spurring healthy development in the sector.

The association, which was assembled over the weekend, consists of 155 members, including industry giants Aluminum Corporation ofChinaand China Minerals Corporation.

Gan Yong, who is president of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths said the association will work to form a reasonable price mechanism and to create a win-win situation for developers and consumers through its coordination efforts.

  • surgen. 汹涌,澎湃 v. 汹涌,涌起,暴涨 v. [海]放
  • altituden. 高度,海拔,高地
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片
  • ceasev. 停止,终止 n. 停止
  • strengthenv. 加强,变坚固
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • yachtn. 游艇,快艇 vi. 驾快艇
  • counterpartn. 相似之物,副本,对应物
  • oppositionn. 反对,敌对,在野党