日期:2013-02-22 15:18


Self-introduction 自我介绍

Good morning, I'm —— and I've been invited to give this talk/ presentation / lecture because——

I have done research in / I have a special interest in / my experience is in

Introduction of Topic 话题介绍

In my presentation/talk/lecture today I shall be dealing with——

The subject of my —— today is ——

What I'd like to do today is introduce/suggest/ analyse/ describe / explain

My topic/subject today is ——

I shall be dealing with 2/3/4…。 main areas/topics/subjects today

Describing Sequences and Timing 程序介绍与时间安排

First I want to /spend a few minutes outlining ——/remind you of the background to/summarise the ——/explain——/ present——

Next I shall——/after that I will take the opportunity of describing——/

Then we'll look at——

Finally I want to——

Highlighting Information 重点介绍

(Rhetorical questions)

So, what does that mean?/How can we interpret this?/What's the explanation for this?/What are the implications of these findings?

(Change of focus)

What that tells us is/What I'm suggesting is/What is clear is that

(Introducing auxiliary verb)

So clearly we do need to——/Obviously they did understand that——/ Of course you do wan to know why——

  • presentationn. 陈述,介绍,赠与 n. [美]讲课,报告
  • interpretv. 解释,翻译,口译,诠释
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • auxiliaryn. 帮助者,辅助物,助动词 adj. 附加的,辅助的
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • dealingn. 经营方法,行为态度 (复数)dealings:商务
  • rhetoricaladj. 修辞学的,符合修辞学的,修辞的
  • explanationn. 解释,说明