Next, on November 14th, there's a seminar and workshop session at the Manchester Conference Centre called Jobs Worldwide.
接下来是11月14日,在曼彻斯特会议中心将举行名为“全球型就业”的讲座和专题讨论会 。
This is the only European recruitment fair to concentrate on giving young graduates information on training in multi-lingual, technical or business skills.
这是唯一一个专注于向年轻毕业生提供多语言、技术或商务技能培训信息的欧洲招聘会 。
This has been set up by the high-profile European consultancy firm, Careers International.
由著名的欧洲咨询公司国际职业咨询公司创办 。
They have apparently had a good response so far and they will be closing the bookings soon so this is a last call for recent graduates to apply.
到目前为止,看起来他们收到的反响很不错,预定很快就要结束了 。所以,这是最后一次呼吁应届毕业生前来申请了 。
Participants are offered reimbursement of their travel costs but not any overnight accommodation they may require.
参加者可报销差旅费用,但不包括可能需要支付的当夜住宿费 。
Applications must be in by November 3rd and should be sent to Careers International headquarters in Manchester.
申请必须在11月3日前提交,并发送到曼彻斯特国际职业咨询公司总部 。
Applicants can also register their interest through email on www.hm.demon.co.uk
申请人也可以在www.hm.demon.co.uk网站通过电子邮件进行注册 。