Man: I'm a one-man, small business. Very small.
男:我经营的是一个小企业,就一个人,规模非常小 。
It was terrible at first. Nobody wanted to know.
经营之初,情况很糟糕 。不会有人想知道的 。
Construction's the first thing to be hit when there's a recession.
经济衰退时,建筑业首先受到冲击 。
No-one wants new houses, schools, nothing.
没有人想要新房子、新学校,人们什么都不想要 。
I just took a chance that if there was no new project going on then at least people would want repairs.
我只是想碰碰运气,如果没有新项目,至少看看人们是否想给房屋做些修缮工作 。
I tried the banks but i couldn't get any help from them. Nothing. No interest.
我试着找过银行,但他们不能帮我 。什么都要不来,他们一点也不感兴趣 。
Must have gone to twenty of them.
我都去过20多家了 。
I'd even done research. Showed them there was a demand for my work.
我甚至还做过研究,向他们展示我的工作是有需求市场的 。
But they're not interested in small firms.
但他们对小公司不感兴趣 。
Lucky I had a brother and an uncle with a bit of money who were willing to help me out.
幸好我有一个哥哥和一个叔叔,他们有一些钱,愿意帮助我 。
They lent me enough to get going. Now I'm doing OK.
他们借给了我公司运营需要的钱,现在我的业务都正常 。
Woman: I did everything by the book - projections, product research. I did the lot.
女:我按照书本上讲的,做预测和产品研发等所有事情 。我都做过了 。
Then I went round the local offices and noticed there was a niche in my part of town for another take-away.
然后走访当地的公司,注意到在我居住的地方还有个做外卖的商机 。
So I decided to go for it. I thought about sandwiches at first but then I knew it had to be hamburgers.
所以我决定试一试 。我开始想到的是卖三明治,但后来意识到应该是汉堡 。
What else! 90% of people I talked to said there would be a demand.
还能有什么呢!和我谈过的人中,90%说会有需求 。
I didn't have any money so I approached a big company - one of the most famous in the world for this kind of business.
我没钱,所以我找了一家大公司,是全球此类公司中最有名的一家 。
I did a business plan and after a lot of work they took me on.
我编制了一份商业计划,在做了很多工作之后,他们同意我加盟经营 。
I joined the franchise scheme.
我加入了特许经营计划 。
You know - where you borrow from the big company, use their name and pay them back from your profits.
就是大公司借给你钱,使用他们的名字,再用你的利润偿还给他们 。
And I must say, it's been very successful, so far.
我必须说,到目前为止,公司经营得非常成功 。
Very hard work, but well worth it.
工作很艰辛,但却很值得 。