日期:2023-08-03 14:30



A cab driver, for instance. “I would want to be the most entertaining, fabulous cab driver on the planet Earth. I’d want to be the tour guide and everything.”
This reminds him of the way his late friend, Nora Ephron, once summed him up.
“She said something that was really true: I would have made the greatest park ranger in the history of the national parks.
“她说了句千真万确的话: 我可能会成为国家公园历史上最伟大的护林员B~Gf1d,cA|BI!w6gU
I would have loved the uniform. I would have run the campfire talks.
I would have known the history of it all, and I would have weaved the perfect story … I would have loved going to work.”
Hanks’s public image is so entrenched that it can eclipse who he really is, and the far scrappier tale of how he came to be.
As a boy, Hanks had a disorderly home life.
One go-to quip in old interviews was that his parents, who both divorced multiple times, “pioneered the marriage-dissolution laws for the state of California.”
He found some kind of solace, and maybe latent possibility, in the stories that filled his head on those long bus journeys to and from Red Bluff.
“I was the third kid,” he says.
“I was just like a leaf blowing in the wind. No one did anything because I wanted it. I wasn’t in control of nothing. Somebody else was always telling us what to do.”
Focus and ambition came gradually.
He was well into his high-school years before he discovered drama class and with it one possible shape of a life ahead.
At first, a very modest one.
Not long after college, Hanks took his father, Amos “Bud” Hanks, who worked as a restaurant cook, to a performance of Tom Stoppard’s Travesties staged by a repertory company that the younger Hanks admired.
“I said, ‘I want to show you the thing that I’m aiming for’ … And when it was done, I said, ‘If I can work at a place like this in a few years, this is the apex of it all for me – to be in something this good, in a repertory company, that means I’d really be a true artist and an actor.’”
Hanks, after some struggling and a two-season sitcom, Bosom Buddies, ascended into movie stardom.
Maybe only two of his early films, Splash and Big, were truly memorable or impressive, but even the misfires didn’t seem to break his momentum or dent the sense that Hanks’s face fit.
Notably, the one person who felt that something was awry was Hanks.
He met with his people, and told them that he wasn’t happy with the kinds of stories he was telling.
