日期:2023-06-07 10:00



Why were there tears in Robinson’s eyes?

Intensive Reading

When the strongest emotions were gone, Friday told me that the prisoner was his father. I felt tears in my eyes when I saw the son’s love for his father.


This happy incident delayed us and the cannibals were already gone.


Friday massaged his father’s hands and feet to bring more blood to them. Soon his father felt much better.


When they talked, Friday suddenly jumped up and ran to the forest as fast as he could.


When he came back, he had a bottle full of fresh water. He gave the water to his father who was extremely thirsty. After he drank, I asked Friday to give the rest of the water to the Spanish. He needed water very much too.


The Spanish thanked me a lot. He couldn’t walk. He was very weak. I asked Friday to massage his feet too. It helped him.


Then I asked the Spanish to go with Friday’s help to the canoe. We wanted to take them to our house. However, Friday was young and strong. He had a lot of power. He just took the Spanish on his back and carried him to the canoe. Then he carefully put him inside the canoe.



1. emotion:情感,情绪,注意和feeling的区别,feeling是“感觉”的意思。

2. incident:事件,尤指不寻常的或讨厌的事件。

3. delay:耽误,延误,推迟。

4. massage:按摩,推拿。


Why did Friday run to the forest?
