Young and old, Britons and foreigners, world leaders and commoners: Tens of thousands of people amassed in London on Saturday for the coronation of King Charles.
有老人有年轻人,有英国人有外国人,有世界领导人也有平民,周六,成千上万的人聚集在伦敦,参加查尔斯国王的加冕典礼 。
They were there for different reasons. Many older visitors wanted to show support for the monarchy.
但他们到来的原因各不相同 。许多年长者希望以此来表示对君主制的支持 。
Some young people said they just wanted to witness history. Others just wanted in on the big party.
而一些年轻人则表示,他们来只是想见证历史 。还有人表示,只是单纯地想参加这个大派对 。
This ceremony for the King and Queen Consort Camilla dates back a thousand years.
为国王和王后卡米拉举行的这一加冕典礼,其历史可以追溯到一千年前 。
And the pomp and pageantry bring obvious similarities to the processions of the King's mother Queen Elizabeth, who died last September.
其盛况与查尔斯国王的母亲伊丽莎白女王(于去年9月去世)当年的加冕典礼,有着明显的相似之处 。
But this particular ceremony is also trying to display a forward-looking monarchy.
不过此次的加冕典礼,也试图向世人展现一个“向前看”的君主制 。
But there were other signs of how the monarchy has changed.
但是也有其他迹象表明君主制已经发生了变化 。
Prince William, for example pledging his loyalty to his father here, while his brother Prince Harry had no formal role in the event after their highly public falling out.
例如,威廉王子在加冕仪式上向父亲宣誓效忠,而他的兄弟哈里王子则在公开闹翻后,没有正式参加此次活动 。
He and Prince Andrew, who quit his duties over the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, watched from the third row behind working members of the family.
哈里王子和因杰弗里·爱泼斯坦丑闻而辞去王室职务的安德鲁王子,是坐在王室工作成员后面的第三排观看的加冕仪式 。
Polls show the British public generally approves of Charles as king and majority still support the monarchy, although young people are far less interested.
民意调查显示,英国公众普遍支持查尔斯当国王,并且大多数人仍然支持君主制,尽管年轻群体对此的兴趣要小得多 。