However the name came about, macaroni eventually, and happily, met its famous culinary match.
。In Forme of Cury, a 14th century cookbook written by King Richard II's chefs, a recipe for ‘makerouns' calls for grated cheese and melted butter layered between the pasta.
。Another version of macaroni and cheese can be found in the classic roman dish cacio e pepe.
。It's name translates to cheese and pepper, and that's a fairly comprehensive list of all its ingredients, alongside some starchy pasta cooking water and the pasta itself, which is traditionally tonnarelli.
。I am now quite hungry, so it might be a good time to ask: what's your favorite pasta dish?
Mine's carbonara.
。Just anything carbonara, or even carbonara-adjacent.
。Let us know yours in the comments so we can all get inspired to eat too many carbs tonight.
。And for breakfast tomorrow probably.
。Back to tonnarelli: it looks a bit like spaghetti, but it generally has squared off, rather than rounded edges.
。De Cecco, an international pasta producer originally from the Abruzzo region of Italy, east of Rome, calls tonnarelli "the [Lazio] version of Maccheroni alla Chitarra".
De Cecco是一家国际意大利面生产商,来自罗马以东的阿布鲁佐地区,他将意式粗面称为“[拉齐奥大区]版的琴弦面”
。A chitarra is a device used to make pasta.
。It translates to "guitar," and if you look at one you'll see why.
。Its many wires make it look just about ready for the most ambitious Van Halen cover band ever, but they're actually used to push thin sheets of raw pasta dough through, cutting the flat sections into thin strips in the process.
。What about our misbegotten macaroni from earlier, stroncatura?
Well, it was originally made by sweeping up scraps from pasta factory floors and turning them into dough.
。The resulting product had a sour taste and a porous surface that was perfect for clinging to pasta sauce.
。It was also essentially impossible to regulate - because its composition was determined by whatever scraps were collected from the factory floor on a given day, they could contain whole wheat flour, rye, semolina - authorities worried about a lack of consistency and questionable hygiene.
。This meant that for years, the only way to get stroncatura was to buy it off the black market.
。By the way, if you haven't seen our episode about the history of ramen, check it out to learn the yakuza crime syndicate's role in making illegal bowls of noodle soup available.
。Sorry for the self-promotion, but how many chances am I gonna get to throw from one instance of black market wheat noodles to another?
Anyway: today, stroncatura is made in much cleaner conditions.
。Manufacturers use the part of the wheat grain with the most fiber to recreate the dark color, while a bronze mould called a die gives it that uneven surface.
。Once the dirt was removed from the equation, both Italy's government and its Michelin-starred chefs could get on board.
。The origins of many older pasta shapes are hard to trace.
。Both Bologna and Modena lay claim to tortellini, but no one really knows where the stuffed, ring-shaped pasta comes from.
。According to one legend, the recipe was created by an innkeeper from Castelfranco Emilia, an Italian town that sits between Bologna and Modena.
。When the Roman goddess Venus checked into his inn one day, you know, as Roman goddesses are wont to do, the innkeeper spied on her through the keyhole in her door and caught a glimpse of her navel.
。The sight inspired him to rush to the kitchen and invent the belly-button shaped dumpling now known as tortellini.
。Here's hoping the true origin story is not nearly as creepy.