日期:2022-10-27 10:00



Question: What did Robinson’s father do?

Intensive Reading

I was born in England in 1632. My father was German and my mother was English. I had two brothers and one sister. We were a good family.

我于 1632 年出生在英国。我父亲是德国人,母亲是英国人。 我有两个兄弟和一个姐妹。 我们是一个很美好的家庭。

My father was a good businessman. We had a lot of money. I had good education. I had a good life. But I also had a dream. I wanted to travel by sea. I wanted to see the world.

我的父亲是一个很厉害的商人。我们家很富有。我受过良好的教育,生活优渥。但我也有一个梦想:我想航行世界。 我想看看外面的世界。


1.be born in: 出生于……,后面可以加地点或年份。

2.businessman: 生意人(指男性),女性可以用businesswoman。

3.education: 教育,“受过良好教育的”可以用well-educated。

4.travel by sea: 航海环游世界。同理可用travel by air。



I was born in…

My father is…
