日期:2022-10-26 10:00



Question: What is psychologist’s suggestion for children using electronics?

Intensive Reading

A British agency writes a report. It says that children are using electronics more and more. Some very young children have tablets. They use them over an hour a day. Some older children use their electronics for many hours a week.


A psychologist says that parents need to set rules. These rules say when and where their children can use their electronics. A mother says that her children argue with her when she asks them to get off the electronics.


No one knows how much time is OK for children to use electronics. However, they should not use them for very long.



1.electronics:n. 电子学;电子设备;电子电路故障可以说:a fault in the electronics。

2.psychologist:n. 心理学家;心理医生。指研究心理学或者可以治疗心理疾病的人。

3.set rules:制定规则,立规矩。没有规矩不成方圆:No rules no standards.

4.argue:v. 主张,认为;说服;争论。与某人吵架可以说argue with sb.。


Discuss with your classmates and ask them how long they use their tablets every week.
