Mcdonald's flung open its doors in Moscow once again on Sunday, but under new branding and Russian ownership.
周日,麦当劳在莫斯科再次开门营业,但这次该餐厅更换了品牌,由俄罗斯人收购 。
The new dawn for Russia's fast food scene will initially see 15 branded restaurants open in the capital, under the name Vkusno & tochka, meaning "Tasty & that's it".
随着首批15家新品牌名为“Vkusno & tochka”(就是这么好吃)的餐厅在莫斯科开业,俄罗斯的快餐业即将迎来新的黎明 。
It comes almost a month after the U.S. burger giant turned pulled out of the country over what Russia calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine.
大约一个月前,这家美国汉堡巨头因俄罗斯在乌克兰的“特别军事行动”而宣布退出俄罗斯市场 。
Chief Executive Oleg Paroev was appointed Russia McDonald's CEO weeks before Moscow sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine.
在俄罗斯方面向乌克兰派出数万名士兵的数周前,奥列格·帕罗耶夫被任命为麦当劳在俄罗斯的首席执行官 。
He said the company was planning to reopen 200 restaurants by the end of June and all 850 by the end of the summer.
他表示,该公司计划在6月底前重开200家餐厅,并在夏季结束前让850家原麦当劳餐厅全部重新开业 。
Alexander Govor, the new owner of the Russian chain, confirmed expansion was on the cards.
这家俄罗斯连锁餐厅的新老板亚历山大·戈沃尔确认,扩大门店规模是有可能的 。
"I am an ambitious man. I don't just plan to open all these 850 restaurants, but also develop the new ones.
“我是一个有野心的人 。原来的850家不仅要重新开业,更多新的餐厅也正在筹备当中 。
Of course, just as before, we will closely monitor the quality of the product and the services that we offer our guests."
当然了,就像以前一样,我们也会密切关注我们为客人提供的产品和服务的质量 。”
Paroev also said that the rebranded chain will keep its old McDonald's interiors but expunge any references to its old name.
此外,帕罗耶夫表示,更名后的连锁店将保留原有的麦当劳内部装饰,但会删除任何提及以前名字的内容 。
The reopening could provide a test of how successfully Russia's economy can become more self-sufficient and withstand Western sanctions.
此次重新开业可能是对俄罗斯经济能否成功实现自给自足并经受住西方制裁的一个考验 。
McDonalds first opened in the early 1990s as the Soviet Union crumbled.
上世纪90年代初,随着苏联解体,麦当劳在俄首次开业 。
It came to be seen as a symbolic thawing of Cold War tensions between East and West.
它被视为东西方之间冷战紧张关系解冻的象征 。
Sunday's reopening is coinciding with Russia Day, a patriotic holiday celebrating the creation of the Russian Federation.
星期天该餐厅的重新开业恰逢俄罗斯日,这是一个庆祝俄罗斯联邦成立的爱国节日 。