I want to live in a future where the water is clean, the air is fresh, and the soil is rich and full of life.
我想生活在一个水源清澈、空气新鲜、土壤肥沃且充满生机的未来 。
Where world leaders put the well-being of the planet above politics.
一个全世界领导人将地球的福祉置于政治之上的未来 。
Where innovation and technology is used to improve our lives, but not at the expense of nature.
一个用创新和技术来改善我们的生活,但不以牺牲自然为代价的未来 。
I want to live in a future where we can all look back and know that we have done the right thing.
我想生活在一个当我们回首过往发现我们做了正确的事的未来 。
Join us on March 26, at 8:30 P.M., for Earth Hour. Earth Hour. Earth Hour.
3月26日,晚8:30,和我们一起加入“地球一小时”活动 。地球一小时 。地球一小时 。
Let's come together to protect our planet.
让我们一起保护我们的地球 。
Protect our one shared home.
保护我们共同的家园 。
Let's shape our future.
让我们共创未来 。
Let's shape our future.
让我们共创未来 。
Let's shape our future.
让我们共创未来 。