But at the same time, you can't be so humble that you don't advocate for your team, the resources you need to improve your outcomes.
So how do you exercise that ambitious side to make sure you're getting the performance that you want?
Yeah, you're right.
I mean, it would be impractical, if not, outright naive to say that humility is the only leadership approach in all types of organizations and for all situations, right?
There are some situations where the value of your humility can be limited, or maybe you come across as too humble.
Some of the leaders that I coach sometimes are too humble and not ambitious enough, right?
So they are self-aware and they appreciate others, but you don't hear them talking about themselves or letting others know of the good work that they're doing.
And as a result, their teams may suffer because their teams may not get the attention or the resources that they need.
So, what we're aiming for is this nice balance between the two.
The other aspect of too much humility, that can't be a good thing is in situations where there are extreme threats, for example, when the status quo of the organization is severely disrupted.
Maybe in those situations, the last thing your employees need from you is to be open minded or to be vulnerable.
To go back to the healthcare industry, let's say you're the CEO of a large hospital on the Florida coast, and you're preparing for a Category 5 hurricane, and you're having to rearrange the transfer of hundreds of patients and protecting the safety of your employees.
Maybe at that point in time, you don't need a lot of humility right then.
There is little room at that moment for discussion and learning and development.
What you need right then is to make a swift decision, to assign responsibilities, to coordinate activities that serve to re-stabilize the situation, and kind of like dissipate people's fears and securities.
One leader once said, when you need to get your soldiers over the hill, it's not a time to get opinions, right?
And these are types of situations where a humility may be limited.
And that's why the message of Humbitious is not a humility all the time, an extreme humility, because just like any other strength that we may have, when overused, a humility can actually become counterproductive and may become a weakness.