010 如何在绩效考核中取得好成绩
日期:2022-01-25 17:00



James: You look very nervous recently. What’s up?


Coco: Do you know our performance review is just around

the corner? I’m worried that my performance falls short of our manager’s expectation.

Coco:你知道我们的绩效考核要到了吗?我担心自己的表现 达不到经理的期望值。

James: Sure, but there’s no need to panic. I heard You’ve done a great job this past quarter .


Coco: Thank you. You are so confident, but I was not you.


James: I cannot understand why you are so worried. The performance evaluation process should start from the day you are hired. There should not be any big surprises during the actual review.


Coco: Yes, maybe you are right. But do you have some good ways?


James: First, you should be checking in regularly with your boss to make sure you’re doing what’s expected. Secondly, make sure you know what the goals are for your job and how your boss measures the success. Thirdly, even in a few weeks, you may be able to improve in some area if necessary. Lastly, make sure you have documentation for some changes, in case there’s a question at review time.

James:首先,你应该和老板定期联络来确保你做的是老板期 望的。其次,确保自己知道工作的目标和老板评估成功的方式。再 次,就算距离考核只有几周的时间,有必要的话,你也许可以在这 方面改进一下。最后,建议你一定要记录下某些变更的事项,以防 考核时出现疑问。

Coco: Yes, I see. I appreciate your suggestions.


James: Any time!

James: 不用谢!随时帮你~


1)What’s up? 怎么了? 常用的口语表达,通常是感觉情况不好时进行询问,常

用 的 句 子 还 有:What’s happening; What’s the matter; What’s wrong 等。

2)just around the corner 即将到来

Eg: More and more obvious trend is that large-scale deflation, or

even a comprehensive deflation just around the corner.


3)fall short of sb.’s expectation 辜负某人的期望

fall short 是指不足、缺乏、没有达到目标

Eg: fall short of quality requirements 未达到质量要求;fall short of time 时间不够

fall short of opportunities 没有机会

all short of expectation 未达到预期。

4) check in 联络

这里 check in 指联系、联络,相当于 communicate,通常

情况,check in 指登机、宾馆入住的手续办理,也用于行李托运(check in baggage)、乘客入站检票等。

与 check in 相反的是 check out,指下飞机、退房、结账离 开等手续的办理。

5) documentation 文件证明,引证

Eg:Their claim to own the land is not supported by proper



6) in case 以防万一

case 在这里是状况、情况的意思,其他常用搭配包括:in that case 那样的话;in your case 就你的情况而言;in any case 无论如何;in case of 以防等等。

Eg:The bus is usually on time, but you should start early, just in case.


7) appreciate it!

