009 与分公司同事会面
日期:2022-01-24 17:00



David: Good morning, Coco It’s great to see you again. Did you have a good trip?

大卫: 早上好,Coco。再次见到您真好。您旅途还愉快吧?

Coco: Yes, it was a good flight. I was a little tired yesterday, but I’m OK now.

Coco: 唔,还不错。昨天有点累,现在没事儿了。

David: Great! If you’re ready, I’d like to introduce you to some of our key personnel.

大卫: 太好了!如果您已经准备好了的话,我想把您介绍给 这儿的主要业务人员。

Coco: Sure, let’s go.

Coco: 咱们走吧

David: Coco, this is Kathy Chen, our Financial Officer. Kathy, I’d like you to meet Coco.

大卫: Coco, 这是我们的财务主管凯西 · 陈,凯西,我想让你见见Coco。

Coco: I’m pleased to meet you, Kathy. You’re doing a great job. The division’s finances are in top shape.

Coco :凯西,见到你真高兴!你干得太棒了。分公司的财务达到了最佳的状态。

Kathy: Thank you, Coco I’m happy to meet you, too.

凯西: 谢谢,coco小姐。见到您我也很高兴。

David: And this is Ben He’s in charge of Marketing. Ben, let me introduce Coco.

大卫: 这是本,他主管营销。本,我来介绍一下Coco。

Ben: How do you do, Coco?

本: 你好,coco小姐!

Coco: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ben. So you’re the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures I’ve seen.

Coco:本,见到你很荣幸!我看过的那些了不起的销售数字, 全是由你带领创下的吧。

Ben: Thank you. I must say I have a great staff.

本: 谢谢。可我得说那是因为我们有一个了不起的团队。

David: I think you’ll find all of our staff is top-notch.

大卫: 我想你会发现我们所有的员工都是一流的。

Coco: I’m already convinced of that,from the reports I’ve seen. Well, I hope we can all keep up the good work together.

Coco: 是的,我已经从那些报告中看到了。我希望我们能一起再接再厉。

David: Sure thing!



1)This is Kathy Chen, our Financial Officer. “This is+ 人 名”,用于介绍

Eg: This is Mr. Zhang, Director of Beijing Chemical Plant.


2)To be in top shape 在此表示最佳状态

Eg:The division’s finances performance best.

3) To be in charge of 同后文的 to be responsible for(sth.), 都是负责、掌管的意思。

4) top-notch 是指“拔尖的、最好的、精英的”,也可以 做名词,表示“出众的人或物”,

Eg: Katey is a top-notch player in playing Pingpong.


5) to be convinced of sth. 表示“相信某事,被某事或某物 说服”。

Eg On closer investigation you will be convinced of his dishonesty.


6) keep up the good work 再接再厉
