Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Huawei Technologies has reportedly returned to work at the tech giant's headquarters in Shenzhen.
据报道,华为首席财务官孟晚舟已经回到这家科技巨头位于深圳的总部工作 。
The report on Monday comes after almost three years fighting extradition to the U.S. in Canada.
在周一的这则报道发布之前,关于“将孟晚舟从加拿大引渡到美国”这一争端已经持续了三年之久 。
Her return to the day job was reported by state-backed Chinese newspaper Global Times.
官方报纸《环球时报》报道了她重返工作岗位的消息 。
Meng is the daughter of Huawei's founder.
孟晚舟是华为创始人的女儿 。
She completed three weeks of quarantine last week after returning to Shenzhen.
在返回深圳后,她于上周刚刚完成了为期三周的隔离 。
On arrival back in China, she was greeted by a crowd of well-wishers chanting patriotic slogans.
抵达祖国后,她受到了大批高喊爱国口号的祝福者的热烈欢迎 。
The extradition drama had been a central source of discord between Beijing and Washington.
引渡孟晚舟事件一直是中美两国之间最具争议的问题 。
Chinese officials had signalled that the case had to be dropped to help end a diplomatic stalemate.
中国官员曾表示,这一事件必须要得到解决,以结束中美两国外交僵局 。
Meng was detained in December 2018 in Vancouver after a New York court issued an arrest warrant.
孟晚舟于2018年12月在温哥华被拘留,此前纽约一家法院发布了逮捕令 。
She was accused of trying to cover up attempts by Huawei-linked companies to sell equipment to Iran in breach of U.S. sanctions.
她被指控试图掩盖华为相关公司违反美国对伊朗制裁规定,向伊朗出售了一些电脑设备的行为 。
Last month she reached an agreement with U.S. prosecutors to end a bank fraud case against her.
上个月,孟晚舟方面与美国检方达成协议,结束了一起针对她的银行欺诈案 。