Archaeologists began studying a mausoleum in Jiangcun village in Xi'an city back in 2016.
早在2016年,考古学家就开始研究西安市江村的一座陵墓 。
New research findings have traced the tomb to that of Emperor Wen, also known as Liu Heng,
who reigned between 180 B.C. and 157 B.C. during the Western Han Dynasty.
他在位时间为公元前180年至公元前157年的西汉时期 。
The tomb stretches as long as 75 meters and is about 30 meters deep.
这座古墓墓长75米,深约30米 。
It has no grave marker, and there are four ramps leading to the entrance of the burial chamber.
没有墓碑,有4个坡道通往墓室的入口 。
It was the highest level of configuration in the Han Dynasty, which only an Emperor and Empress could use.
这是汉代顶级配置陵墓格局,只有皇帝和皇后可以使用 。
Tombs for ministers would not reach such scale.
大臣的陵墓不会达到这样的规模 。
Rumors long persisted that Emperor Wen's tomb was in nearby Fenghuangzui, just north of Jiangcun village.
长期以来,一直有传言说汉文帝的陵墓在江村北边的凤凰嘴附近 。
The discovery of the mausoleum puts an end to the speculation.
此次陵墓的发现终结了这些猜测 。
Ma said the mausoleum is similar to two other Western Han Dynasty Emperors in terms of structure and scale with traces of evolution.
马研究员表示,这座陵墓在结构和规模上与另外两个西汉皇帝的陵墓相似,并有演变的痕迹 。
About 110 pits have been found surrounding the tomb.
此外,在这座陵墓的周围,还发现了大约110座外藏坑 。
Archaeologists have uncovered 1,500 cultural artifacts from them, including pottery items, bronzeware and ironwear.
考古学家从中已经发现了包括陶器、青铜器和铁器在内的约1500件文物 。
Pinpointing the location of Emperor Wen's tomb offers important clues to the 11 Emperor tombs built during the Western Han Dynasty, and the wider imperial tomb system used in ancient China.
准确定位汉文帝陵墓的位置,为研究西汉时期建造的11座皇帝陵墓,以及更大范围的中国古代帝王陵墓制度,提供了重要线索 。