Beijing woke up to a wintry and windy wonderland in the middle of fall.
还处在秋天的北京突然变成了寒风料峭的冬日仙境 。
Roads, cars, trees, almost everything on streets covered in powdery white.
道路,汽车,树木,街道上几乎所有的东西都覆盖着白雪 。
As the snow fell, so did the temperatures.
伴随降雪,气温也随之下降 。
While some people chose to stay warm indoors, others ventured out into the cold.
有些人选择在室内取暖,而另一些人则壮着胆子来到了寒冷的室外 。
Many photography enthusiasts tend to flock to the Forbidden City after a snowfall.
许多摄影爱好者在雪后涌向了紫禁城 。
Some visit the Palace Museum to play around in the fresh snow, take photos or just appreciate the scenery.
在参观故宫博物院时,游客们会在初雪中玩耍、拍照或者只是欣赏雪景 。
To the southeast of Beijing, Universal Studio, which opened in September, took on a new look.
而在北京东南部,今年9月开业的环球影城呈现出了新的面貌 。
Scenes from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter went viral.
“哈利波特的魔法世界”这一场景迅速走红 。
Other famous tourist spots, like the Great Wall, also appeared dressed in winter suits.
长城等其他著名的旅游景点也银装素裹,充满冬意 。
But it's not been all fun and games.
但并不是一切都是充满乐趣、让人开心的 。
More than a hundred bus routes were suspended because of the snowfall.
由于降雪,一百多条公交线路被暂停 。
It also shut some expressways and canceled trains and flights.
部分高速公路被关闭,火车和航班也遭到取消 。
Experts say this snowfall has arrived earlier than usual.
专家称,这场降雪比往年来得更早一些 。
Some have linked it to high amounts of water vapor from excessive warming and humidification.
一些专家表示,这与过度升温和湿度升高所导致的大量水汽有关 。