This is China's youngest ever idol band, Panda Boys.
这是中国年纪最小的偶像团体,天府少年团 。
The oldest member is 11 years old, and the youngest is only 7.
在该团体中,最大的成员11岁,最小的只有7岁 。
The group made its debut in Chengdu city last week, but was widely criticized because of the young age of its members.
上周,该团体在成都首次亮相,但由于成员年龄太小而受到广泛批评 。
The agency behind the performers, Asia Starry Sky Group, first rebranded it to a children's art troupe, but eventually had to disband it.
这些表演者背后的经纪公司,亚洲星空娱乐,开始将这一组合更名为少儿艺术团,但最终不得不解散 。
The agency stressed that it did not intend to use the boys as money making tools.
该公司强调称,他们无意利用这些男孩作为赚钱的工具 。
But it could not convince people who said the boys were too young to be part of the entertainment industry.
但这一说辞,无法说服那些认为组合中男孩子们年纪太小,因此不能进入娱乐圈的民众 。
One weibo user said, "Young children should focus more on education."
一位微博用户表示:“小孩子的关注点应该放在教育上 。”
But not all Chinese boy bands have suffered the same fate.
不过,并不是所有的中国少年男子组合都遭遇了同样的命运 。
Some young idol groups have been very successful in recent years.
近年来,一些年轻的偶像组合已经非常成功 。
TF Boys became national icons after their debut release in 2013 when they were just 13 years old.
在2013年发行首张专辑后,TF Boys成为了全国偶像,当时他们只有13岁 。
Teens in Times, a band of seven boys in their mid to late teens, have also become very popular and have millions of fans.
此外,由7名十几岁的男孩子组成的“TNT时代少年团”也非常受欢迎,拥有数百万的粉丝 。
China's entertainment industry has been growing in recent years, with more young good-looking teenagers taking the stage.
近年来,中国的娱乐产业一直在蓬勃发展,越来越多年轻貌美的青少年走上了舞台 。
But this trend, and also the sometimes obsessive fan culture, is raising concerns.
但这种趋势,以及有时过于狂热的粉丝文化,也引发了人们的担忧 。
To regulate the industry, Beijing passed a law in May this year, banning children under the age of 16 from participating in commercial talent shows.
为了规范这个行业,中国政府今年5月通过了一项法案,禁止16岁以下的儿童参加商业选秀节目 。