探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第9期:抢救切尔诺贝利(9)
日期:2021-01-15 11:26


The initial symptoms of radiation sickness - vomiting, nausea and diarrhea - are followed by a latency period.

最初的辐射病症状是呕吐作呕以及腹泻 之前则有一段潜伏期

It's only later that much more fatal symptoms appear, such as deterioration of bone marrow and horrible burns that eat flesh down to the bone.

接着会有更多致命症状出现 像是骨髓退化以及侵蚀肌肉直达骨头的恐怖灼痛

When they arrived at the clinic, it was very hard, psychologically speaking.

他们前来门诊时 就心理上来说真的很让人难受 他

They came straight from the airport. Almost all of them were young.

他们直接从机场被送来 几乎所有人都还很年轻

They arrived during the latency period. They felt fine. They were all dressed alike, wearing the same pyjamas. They were making jokes.

他们抵达时都还是潜伏期 他们不会觉得不适 他们的衣着都一样 都穿着同样的睡衣 彼此开着玩笑

But we already knew that a lot of them were going to die. 27 of them died quite quickly.

但是我们知道其中有很多人会死 有27人很快就死亡

They'd all received huge doses of radiation and were suffering from life-threatening burns.

他们都吸收了巨量的辐射 因为致命的烧灼而痛苦不已

For 15 years, only the first victims will be acknowledged by the authorities.

有15年 当局只承认了第一批受害者

Thirty kilometres east of the plant, the forest has been scorched by the radioactive blast from the explosion.

核电厂东方30公里处 森林被爆炸后的放射性气流烧成焦黄


But the disaster area already stretches well beyond.


Since the explosion, radioactive particles carried by the clouds have been falling with the rain.

爆炸发生后 云层所携带的放射性粒子随着雨水降落

A "leopard-spot" pattern of contamination that affected the Ukraine as well as Belorussia and Russia.


On the first of May, the wind shifts, and areas of Kiev are also contaminated, as seen from this map drawn up from the readings taken by Colonel Grebeniouk's men.

5月1日风向转变 基辅地区也遭到污染 可透过这张克伦班亚克上校的手下

The seriously contaminated areas appear in red, surrounded by areas where the radiation level was normal. But the population is still kept in the dark.

测量读数后所绘制的地图看出来 严重污染的地区以红色呈现 周围则是辐射值正常的地区 但是所有居民仍被蒙蔽真相

There is only one report, a tiny article on the bottom of page three of the Pravda, playing down the accident and claiming the danger has passed.

相关报导只出现一则 刊载于真理报三版底部的小标题 对该起事故轻描淡写 表示危险已经过去

The roof was caving in, and there we were acting as if nothing was happening.

天就要塌下来了 我们却显得若无其事

By going ahead with the May Day festivities, it was like the country refused to acknowledge the situation.

还在筹备五月节庆典 国家仿佛拒绝承认相关状况

That was the second phase in the huge Chernobyl disaster.

