探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第10期:抢救切尔诺贝利(10)
日期:2021-01-16 11:27


Six days after the accident, despite radiation levels several thousand times higher than normal,

事故发生后6天 虽然辐射值是正常值的几千倍

authorities encourage people to participate in May Day celebrations, even in areas they know to be seriously contaminated.

当局依然鼓励人们参加五月节庆典 即使他们知道其中某些地区遭到严重污染

I watched the May Day in 1986 festivities with my own eyes. I was there and I witnessed it, the parade of death.

我亲眼见证1986年的五月节 我在场亲眼目睹 目睹死亡游行

It was a parade of death. Those were terrible deaths.

那是场死亡游行 那是恐怖的死亡

Disturbingly, all footage of May Day 1986 has now disappeared from the Ukrainian national archives. All that remains are lgor Kostine's photos.

令人不安的是 所有1986年五月节相关画面都从乌克兰国家档案中消失 现有的照片都是伊戈科斯汀所拍摄

Cherbitsky, the first secretary of the Ukraine, also went to the festivities with his family and his grandchildren.

乌克兰第一书记雪比斯基 也偕同家人与孙子参加庆典

It's true that, in theory, that seemed very important to us, to avoid any panic.

理论上这对我们似乎很重要 可以借此避免恐慌

But had we known how much radioactivity was already in the air.


How many were contaminated during the festivities? Not a single statistical study has yet been published.



Cherbinsky, first Secretary of the Ukraine Communist Party, Later committed suicide.

至于乌克兰共党的第一书记雪比斯基 他随后自杀身亡了

One week after the explosion, the exodus continues.

爆炸发生后一周 大撤退持续进行

The inhabitants of the city of Chernobyl, seven kilometers from the plant, are evacuated.

离核电厂7公里的 切尔诺贝利市居民也被撤离

So all the villages within a thirty-kilometer radius around the plant.


130,000 people are moved, many of whom have already been dangerously contaminated.

13万名居民被迁走 其中许多人已遭到严重污染

A 300,000-hectare area straddling the Ukraine and Belorussia is abruptly evacuated and isolated from the rest of the world.

跨立乌克兰与白俄罗斯的30万公顷地区 所有居民瞬间撤离该地从此与世隔绝

A vast region uprooted, an entire culture ripped from its land, a world wiped out in a few days' time by an invisible enemy.

广大地区被清空 整体文化遭到连根拔起 一个世界在几天内就被看不见的敌人夷平

It was worse than a war. Here, you couldn't see the enemy.

这比战争更糟 在这里你看不见敌人

In a war, you see the cannons, the machine guns, the tanks. Here, you see nothing.

战争中你还能看到大炮机关枪跟战车 这里什么都看不见

The radiation is everywhere. It goes right through you. It gets into you and you only start feeling the effects later. Sometimes years later. It's terrifying.

但是到处都是辐射 它会穿透你的身体 侵蚀你的身体 你只会在稍后感受到影响 有些人则是得等个几年 太可怕了
