探索频道纪录片(MP3+中英字幕) 第14期:抢救切尔诺贝利(14)
日期:2021-01-20 11:31


On May 12, 1986, 17 days after the initial explosion, the miners of Toula, one thousand kilometers from Chernobyl,

1986年5月12日 初次爆炸发生后17天 离切尔诺贝利一千公里的土拉区矿工

receive a visit from the Kremlin from the deputy Minister of the Mining Industry.

接获来自克里姆林的探视 来者是矿产工业部副部长

The minister spoke to us about the accident at Chernobyl. He said they needed miners from our region, the Moscow basin.

部长跟我们谈到切尔诺贝利事故 他说需要我们莫斯科盆地区的矿工

He gave us 24 hours to gather our belongings. The next day, we were bused from that very square to the airport in Moscow.

他给了我们24小时收拾东西 隔天我们就搭巴士到莫斯科机场

On May 13, our comrades were already at work in Chernobyl.


Their mission: To approach the reactor through what is now the only possible path - underground.

他们的任务是接近反应炉 方式是透过唯一可能通道——地下道

Our mission was this: Dig a 150-meter tunnel from the 3rd block to the 4th, a tunnel 30 meters long.

我们的任务是从第三区挖出150公尺长的地道到第四区 再挖出30公尺长的地道

Then dig a room 30 meters long and 30 meters wide to hold a refrigeration device for cooling down the reactor.

然后挖出长宽各30公尺的空间 以放置让反应炉降温的冷却装置

To limit their exposure to radiation, the miners dig 12 meters down before making their way over to the burning reactor.

为了让矿工暴露的辐射降到最低 他们挖掘到12公尺深才开始往燃烧中的反应炉前进


There, they build a room 2 meters high and 30 meters wide where a complex cooling system of liquid nitrogen will be set up.

他们在此建立2公尺高30公尺宽的空间 这里将装置一套复杂的液态氮冷却系统

In one month, 10,000 miners from Russia and the mining regions of the Ukraine are sent down into the tunnel. They are between 20 to 30 years old.

在一个月内 俄罗斯与乌克兰矿区派遣了一万名矿工进地道工作 他们的年龄都在20到30岁之间

Inside the tunnel, which has no ventilation, the temperature hits 50oC, and radiaoactivity is at a minimum of 1 roentgen per hour.

地道内部空气不流通温度高达摄氏50度 放射量最少一小时一伦琴

We worked without any protective gear. The miners couldn't used masks, because the filters would get damp after a few minutes.

我们在没有防护装备的情况下工作 矿工无法使用呼吸面罩 因为工作几分钟后滤孔就会湿透

So everyone just took them off and kept on working without them, with our shirts off too.

所以大家都拿掉面罩工作 也脱掉了上衣

We drank water out of open bottles, which was really bad because the radioactive particles were ingested right into the body.

我们喝水的瓶子没有加盖 这实在很糟糕 因为体内马上会喝进放射性粒子

One of our comrades swallowed a grain of sand that was highly radioactive. He died.

我们一名同志吞下了一些高度放射性的沙子 他死了

How can we know what each of us breathed or ingested? The hardest thing was the lack of oxygen and the incredible heat.

