Welcome back psych2goers. Before we start, we just want to thank you all for the support.
欢迎回来 。开始前,我们想先感谢大家的支持 。
Psych2go's mission is to make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone.
我们的任务是让人人都能接触到心理和精神健康知识 。
Now let's begin. We all have inner demons.
现在开始 。我们都有内心的恶魔
Whether it's problems with addiction, a traumatic experience, a fear of failure or low self-esteem,
we all deal with things that eat us from the inside out.
我们都遇到过由内而外吞噬我们的东西 。
But inner demons aren't vague forces of evil that cause you to do bad things
rather they're things you've been through that you have to sort out, process and heal from.
而是你已经经历过的,需要理清、处理和治愈的事情 。
To face your demons means confronting your fears to become a better, stronger and wiser person.
面对你的恶魔意味着直面你的恐惧,成为一个更好、更强和更聪明的人 。
Here are six signs you're battling with your inner demons.
以下是你正在与内心恶魔作斗争的6种迹象 。
1. You feel like a dark cloud is looming over your head.
1.感觉头上有一团乌云逼近 。
Do you feel like every day is a mountain that you have to climb? Do you feel a sense of impending doom follows you around?
If any of this sounds familiar, there is a possibility that your inner demon and depression are one and the same.
如果以上听起来很熟悉,有一种可能是你内心的恶魔和抑郁是同一种 。
Depression is a serious mental health disorder and can cause great strife in your life.
抑郁症是一种严重的精神健康疾病,会在你的生活中引起巨大的冲突 。
Symptoms of depression include significant weight loss, weight gain, oversleeping or the inability to sleep,
fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt and loss of interest in irregular activities.
疲劳、无价值感或罪恶感以及对活动失去兴趣 。
2. You always feel like something just isn't right.
2. 总感觉有什么事情不对劲 。
Are you constantly distracted with the feeling that something just isn't right?
You always feel like something bad is about to happen. The second type of inner demon can also be called anxiety.
你总感觉有什么不好的事情要发生 。第二类型的内心恶魔也可以被称为焦虑症 。
Anxiety is another mental health problem and it affects about 18 percent of the US population each year.
焦虑症是另一种精神健康疾病,美国每年有约18%的人口受其影响 。
Similar to depression, anxiety can have serious negative effects on your quality of life.
和抑郁症一样,焦虑症也会对你的生活质量有着严重的负面影响 。
Anxiety can cause symptoms like nervousness and restlessness, rapid heart rate, hyperventilation and feelings of danger, panic or dread.
焦虑会导致紧张不安、心率加快、换气过度以及感到危险、恐慌或恐惧等症状 。
3. There's a nagging sense of shame behind all that you do.
3. 你所做的一切背后都有一种挥之不去的羞耻感 。
You often feel self-conscious or embarrassed. Are you struggling with feelings of self-hate?
你经常感到不自在或尴尬 。你是否在自我厌恶的情绪中挣扎?
Shame is a fickle inner demon that can come from different places.
羞耻是一个变化无常的内心恶魔,它可以来自不同的地方 。
Maybe you've done something wrong in your past and it's still sitting in your subconscious waiting to be rectified.
可能是你以前做过的一件错事,但它仍然在你的潜意识里等待纠正 。
Maybe you've been made to feel ashamed of who you are.
或许你对自己的身份感到羞愧 。
You might struggle with voices in your head telling you that you aren't good enough or no one cares about what you have to say.
你可能正在和脑海中的声音作斗争,它告诉你你还不够好,没人关心你要说什么 。
4. You're so afraid to fail that you don't even try.
4. 你太害怕失败,甚至都不敢尝试 。
Hve you ever been so afraid of failing at something that you decide not to even try?
Does this fear of failure prevent you from moving forward in life? While the notion of failure is scary,
it becomes more of an inner demon when the sense of fear seeps into every part of your life and cripples you.
但当这种恐惧感渗透你生活的方方面面,并对你造成严重影响时,它会变成一种内心恶魔 。
It can feel like your feet are stuck to the ground and you can't move, like you're frozen in place by fear.
它会感觉你的脚被粘在地上,你不能移动,就像你被恐惧冻住了一样 。
5. You feel like you have a bully inside your head.
5. 你觉得你的脑海里有一个恶霸 。
You ever call yourself stupid for making a mistake; you curse at your reflection in the mirror for not being attractive enough.
你曾经因为犯错而说自己很笨;你咒骂镜子里的自己不够有魅力 。
This is called self-criticism and it's like having your very own personal bully living inside your head.
这被称为自我批评,就像你的大脑里有一个恶霸一样 。
Whenever you try something new, the bully taunts at you;
when you think about taking a risk, the bully tells you that you'll probably fail;
when it comes to relationships, the bully is quick to point out your flaws and weaknesses
and all the reasons no one could ever really love you. But just because this particular inner demon is loud doesn't mean that it's right.
以及所有任何人不会真正爱你的原因 。但内心恶魔的大声呼喊并不意味着它说的是对的 。
And 6. You feel painful emotions that others don't immediately understand.
6. 你痛苦的情绪,别人无法立马感受到 。
Do you find it hard to relate to your friends when you're going through something difficult?
They might not see the pain that you're in or struggle to understand when you do tell them what you're feeling.
当你告诉他们你的感受时,他们可能看不到你的痛苦,或者很难理解 。
The toxicity that lies within us is personal and subjective, and it's okay if those around you don't get what you're going through.
我们内心的恶魔是主观的,如果周围的人不理解你的遭遇也是没关系的 。
If one person doesn't get it, there's a whole world of other people who have probably experienced what you're experiencing.
如果别人不明白,那么世界上或许有人和你有一样的经历 。
The internet can be a great way to find connection and understanding and acceptance you're not alone in this.
互联网是寻找联系理解和接受的好方法,你不是一个人 。
We hope this video helped you recognize and understand your inner demons a little bit better.
我们希望本期视频能帮助大家更好地认识和理解自己内心的恶魔 。
Acknowledging that there's an issue is a phenomenal first step and being brave enough to talk about it is a great second one.
承认问题的存在是第一步,拥有足够的勇气谈论它是伟大的第二步 。
If you enjoyed this video, give us a thumbs up and share it with someone who might find it helpful, too.
如果喜欢本期视频,请点赞,并和需要的人分享 。
The studies and references used are listed in the description below.
视频中提到的研究和参考已列入下方描述栏 。
Don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more psych2go videos and as always, thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.
不要忘记订阅以获得更多视频 。一如既往,感谢收看,我们下期见 。