This is BBC world news, the headlines.
A trial has started in a Paris court of 14 people in connection with the deadly terror attacks at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket five years ago.
巴黎法庭开始审判14人 他们与5年前在法国讽刺杂志《查理周刊》办公楼和一家犹太超市发生的致命恐怖袭击有关
Australia has officially fallen into recession for the first time in 30 years.
The economy shrank by seven percent in the April to June quarter as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic hit.
受疫情影响 澳大利亚经济在4月到6月这一季度收缩了7%
One of the most notorious figures from the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia has died while serving a life sentence.
柬埔寨从事集体屠杀的红色高棉政权中 最臭名昭著的一个人物在服刑期间死亡
Known as Comrade Duch, he sent more than 14 000 people to their deaths.
他被称为杜赫同志 导致14000多人死亡
Relatives and friends of a black man whose shooting in the American city of Kenosha was a catalyst for several nights of violence criticized a visit by Donald Trump.
一名黑人男子在美国基诺沙市被枪击 此事引发了数晚的暴力冲突 他的亲戚和朋友批评了唐纳德·特朗普的来访
The president praised police officers' actions in dealing with what he called domestic terror.